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photo MSPU administration congratulate Vladimir Shantarovich, Head trainer of the National team of the Republic of Belarus for Rowing and Canoeing, Associate Professor of the Chair of Physical Education and Sport Disciplines, on getting a State Medal of the National Olympic Committee of the Republic of Belarus! Alexadr Lukashenko, the President of the Republic of Belarus, delivered the medal!

Elena Kallaur, Associate Professor of the Chair of Physical Education and Sport Disciplines, Elena Nozdreva, a 2nd year student, Stanislav Dayneko,a master’s degree student, were awarded with the medals as well.

It is a great honour for all of us to congratulate the mentioned above people and wish great success in their career!



photo On November 19, 2019 Van Ley, Director of Confucius Institute at Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, and Vladimir Koval, Deputy Director, visited MSPU named after I.P.Shamyakin. The guests met Tatsiana Paliyeva, Vice-Rector for Research, and discussed further perspectives of cooperation in the field of dissemination of the Chinese language and culture in Mozyr district. The guests visited the lesson of Chinese held by Yan Zhifeng, a volunteer-teacher from China. The attendees of the course said they were greatly impressed by high quality of the lessons and great personal characteristics of the teacher. Van Ley and Vladimir Koval estimated the quality of the lesson as well and invited MPSU students to take part in the festive event devoted to Confucius Institute Foundation at Francisk Skorina Gomel State University.



photo On November 13 – 28, 2019 State social campaign “Be careful with the fire” was held in Mozyr. The main objective of the campaign was to inform people about great danger of fire and smoking inside the buildings. On November 26, 2019 MSPU Social Support Center and Ministry of Emergency Situations in Mozyr arranged a social campaign “Give us a cigarette, take a sweet”. The main objective of the campaign was to pay attention of the students to the importance of safety measures!




photo On November 21, 2019 MSPU Freshmen cup – 2019 was held at the premises of Culture Center "Stroitel". All the teams did their best to make this day unforgettable! Before the performance had started Sergey Schchur, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs, congratulated the students and awarded the best students with festive diplomas!

Here are the results of Freshmen cup – 2019:

1st place – Technology and Biology Department

2nd place – Philology Department

3rd place – Physical Education Department

4th place – Department of Preschool and Elementary Education

5th place – Physics and Engineering Department





 Representatives of the Society for Development of Water Transport and Passenger Safety in Mozyr met MSPU students and lectured on the basic safety rules. The students were informed about the main directions, significant events and statistics on death. The water safety measures were offered to follow:

- It is not allowed to move on the ice in the dark or under the conditions of poor visibility.

- When crossing the river, ice crossing should be used.

- If you want to move across frozen water, it is necessary to take a closer look, to identify the route and if the route is not dangerous then move.

- When driving, avoid places where ice is covered with snow.

- Make sure that the ice is strong.

- It is forbidden to check the strength of the ice with the foot.

- When crossing the ice accompanied by a group of people, keep the distance of 5-6 m between each other. To cross frozen water and to use the skies is the best option ever.



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