Catalogue of academic disciplines chair of Psychology and Specialized Pedagogics and Methodology of Preschool and Elementary Education

Catalogue of academic disciplines chair of Psychology and Specialized Pedagogics and Methodology of Preschool and Elementary Education

Preventive measures and correction of acalculia

(1 credit point, 36 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form professional competence for arrangement and content of correctional and educational activity with regard to preventive measures and correction of children acalculia.


-to know about modern tendencies of acalculia learning, to know about etymology, mechanisms, forms and symptoms of acalculia; to know about classification of acalculia; to know about diagnostic techniques; to know about theoretical and methodological fundamentals of acalculia correction;

-to be able to conduct medical checkup of children for the purpose to reveal acalculia and forecasting of preventive measures; to be able to conduct teaching diagnostics and plan further correctional and teaching impact; to have knowledge on methodology for prevention and elimination of children’s acalculia.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

1 credit point. 36 academic hours in total, among them – 24 class hours: 14 hours for lectures, 10 hours for tutorials; Final check-up –credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

1. Concept of acalculia (specific disorder of skills for arithmetic calculations, reasons for risks and risk factors, acalculia mechanisms and classifications).

2. Semiology of acalculia (manifestation of school age; psychological and psycho-linguistic operations; risk factors for acalculia reveal).

3. Diagnostics of acalculia (reveal of children’s acalculia; review of acalculia diagnistics and its methodology).

4. Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of preventive measures and correction of acalculia (principles and directions of correctional and educational activity devoted to preventive measures and overcoming of acalculia; conducting of lessons devoted to correction of acalculia).

Methods: demonstrable (illustration, demonstration, supervision);

verbal (explanation, conversation, unstruction); practical (exercise, modelling).

Forms: individual work, work in pairs, work in a group, general questioning.


1. Recitation and written questionnaire.

2. Preparation of reports and academic projects.

3. Preparation of multimedia presentations.

4. Solution of educational tasks.

5. Making up academic plans for correctional lessons.

6. Analysis and annotation of reference sources.




Methodology of correctional and developmental work with children who suffer from speech disorders

(6,9 credit points, 248 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to provide theoretical and practical training of the experts who will work with the children with the deficiency; to develop functional abilities of pupils to get academic and life-oriented competence.

Academic competence:

- to be able to apply to basic scientific and theoretical knowledge when theoretical and practical tasks are solved;

-to use technical devices when process the information;

-to conduct oral and written communication;

-to establish cooperation in the educational process;

Social and personal competence:

-to promote social cooperation;

-to promote health protection measures;

-to be able to work in a team.

Personal competence:

-to manage and conduct the lessons of various types and forms;

-to create the conditions useful for specialized training at preschool educational establishments and general secondary educational establishments;

-to develop individual programmes of work with the children with special needs.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

6,9 credit point. 248 academic hours in total, among them – 140 class hours: 72 hours for lectures, 48 hours for tutorials; 20 hours for laboratory practicals; Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Chapter 1. Correctional activity with children who suffer from speech disorders at early stages.

Chapter 2. Logopedic rhythmics.

Chapter 3. Social orientation.

Chapter 4. Modern means of communication.


Methods: demonstrable (illustration, demonstration, supervision);

verbal (explanation, conversation, instruction); practical (exercise, modelling).

Forms: individual work, work in pairs, work in a group, general questioning.


1. Exam.

2. Credit.

3. Recitation and written questionnaire.

4. Preparation of reports and academic projects.

5. Preparation of multimedia presentations.

6. Solution of educational tasks.

7. Making up academic plans for correctional lessons.

8. Analysis and annotation of reference sources.

9. Defence of the projects.





Fundamentals of Defectology

(4,3 credit points, 156 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Учебная дисциплина является основной (государственный компонент) в образовательной программе I ступени по специальности 1-01 01 01 Дошкольное образование



Academic discipline is an optional component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form professional competence of future teachers in the field of training and education; to get ready the teachers for further work with handicapped children.

Academic competence:

- to be able to apply to basic scientific and theoretical knowledge when theoretical and practical tasks are solved;

-to use technical devices when process the information;

-to conduct oral and written communication;

-to establish cooperation in the educational process;

Social and personal competence:

-to promote social cooperation;

-to promote health protection measures;

-to be able to work in a team.

Personal competence:

-to manage and conduct the lessons of various types and forms;

-to create the conditions useful for specialized training at preschool educational establishments and general secondary educational establishments;

-to develop individual programmes of work with the children with special needs.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

4,3 credit point. 156 academic hours in total, among them – 60 class hours: 36 hours for lectures, 24 hours for tutorials; Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

1. Defectology as a problematic area.

2. Modern techniques, problems and tasks for specialized education.

3. Characteristics of specialized education.

4. Competence-based approach to the contents of education of children with special needs.

5. System of specialized education.

6. Peculiarities of educational process and issues for arrangement of educational process under the conditions of integrated education and training.

7. Techniques for integrated education and training.

8. Arrangement of educational environment under the conditions of integrated education and training.

9. Work with parents who bring up children with special needs.

Methods: demonstrable (illustration, demonstration, supervision);

verbal (explanation, conversation, instruction); practical (exercise, modelling).

Forms: individual work, work in pairs, work in a group, general questioning.


1. Recitation and written questionnaire.

2. Preparation of reports and academic projects.

3. Preparation of multimedia presentations.

4. General testing.

5. Problems encountered in practice and their solution.

6. Preparation of correctional and developmental manuals.



Fundamentals of speech activity


(1,2 credit points, 42 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.


Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form knowledge regarding mechanisms of speech activity and stages of ontogenetic development of a child.

Academic competence:

-to be able to search and analyze research literature devoted to developmental issues of speech development;

-to be able to apply to scientific and theoretical knowledge to solve theoretical and practical tasks;

-to be able to regulate educational cooperation in teaching;

Social competence:

-to be ready for social communication;

-to be able to follow and defend the interests of a child with speech disorders;

-to be develop and enhance professional activity;

Professional competence:

-to get to know more information about physiological, psychological, linguistic parameters of speech activity;

-to know about sensitive periods of speech functions and how speech functions connect with other psychological processes;

-to know specific features of psychological and teaching inspection, psychological research of children with the aim to reveal peculiarities of speech development;

-to know about distinguishing diagnostics to measure speech development standards and speech pathology;

-to apply to diagnostic and predictive index of child’s speech development.


Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

1,2 credit point. 42 academic hours in total, among them – 24 class hours: 16 hours for lectures, 8 hours for tutorials; Final check-up –credit.


Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Standards of speech development. Regularities of speech development. Formation of communicative speech. Speech pathology. Connection between speech and psychological processes. Articulatory, lexical, grammar skills. The following tasks are completed:

-to form an idea about sequence and contents of child language acquisition and its basic stages;

-to form an idea about peculiarities how a child acquires a mother tongue and means how speech activity is revealed;

-to analyze child language acquisition and speech disorders.

Methods: problem-based learning, partially searching.

Forms: work in a team, individual work.


1. Credit

2. General testing;






Speech therapy


(33,9 credit points, 1222 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a State component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.


Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get skills for science and theory of research; to get practical skills and competence to prevent, determine and avoid speech disorders by means of training, education and reeducation.

Academic competence:

-to apply to basic scientific and theoretical knowledge to solve theoretical and practical tasks;

-to apply to interdisciplinary approach;

-to develop skills for technical equipment, arrange the information and work on the computer;

-to have develop skills for oral and written communication;

-to study and enhance qualification as long as life endures.

Social and personal competence:

-to develop civic consciousness;

-to conduct interpersonal communication;

-to preserve health;

-to work in a team;

-to be capable for self-education and self-perfection of professional activity.

Professional competence:

-to use the best possible methods, forms and means of training;

-to arrange and conduct lessons of various types and forms;

-to form basic components of culture;

-to develop the level of academic abilities of pupils on the basis of systematized teaching diagnostics;

-to prevent and overcome academic failure;

-to evaluate academic achievements and levels of pupils’ education and development;

-to analyze and evaluate teaching phenomenon and events of the past through modern humanitarian knowledge;

-to arrange and conduct correctional and teaching activity with pupils;

-to implement and develop individual programmes for correctional and developmental activities devoted to children with special needs;

-to compile educational and training aims;

-to provide implementation of children’s rights who suffer from physical disorders;

-to implement informative-educational activity devoted to creation of a positive attitude to children with special needs who study at educational establishments.


Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

33,9 credit point. 1222 academic hours in total, among them – 600 class hours: 292 hours for lectures, 232 hours for tutorials; 76 hours for laboratory practicals; Final check-up –exam.


Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Speech disorders. Planning of speech therapy activities. Diagnostics in speech therapy. Correctional and developmental tasks and their solutions. Project conception and implementation of correctional and developmental work with regard to peculiarities of personal development of a child who suffer from speech disorders. Development of positive and social motives. Formation of responsible attitude to speech therapy. Establishment of positive attitude when cooperation between children and adults with special needs is established. Consultation. Preventive measures for psychological support activities. Creation of positive psychological environment in a family and in educational establishments where people who suffer from speech disorders live. Cooperation with experts in the field of speech disorders.

Methods: problem-based learning, partially searching, research, reproductive, interactive, reflective, verbal, visual, practical.

Forms: work in a team, work in a group, work in pairs, individual work.



1. Exam;

2. General testing;

3. Evaluation of knowledge in accordance with a 10 grade controlling system.




Special teaching techniques in preschool training and education


(9,9 credit points, 356 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get acquainted with modern scientific and theoretical approaches to arrangement and contents of educational process for children with speech disorders.


Academic competence:

-to use basic scientific and theoretical knowledge to complete theoretical and practical tasks;

-to work independently;

-to be able to create new ideas;

-to apply to interdisciplinary approach when tasks are completed;

-to develop skills connected with technical devices, management of information and work on the computer;

-to have skills for oral and written communication;

-to be able to regulate cooperation in the educational process.

Social-personal competence:

-to be able to cooperate;

-to be able to communicate;

-to be able to preserve health;

-to be able to work in a team;

Professional competence:

-to use optimized methods, forms and means of training;

-to arrange and conduct tutorials of various types;

-to create specialized conditions for getting specialized education at preschool educational establishments and general secondary educational establishments;

-to develop academic competence and abilities with due regard to a systemized pedagogical diagnostics;

-to develop skills for independent work of pupils with various sources of information (i.e. academic, scientific, reference books);

-to arrange and conduct correctional and teaching activity with pupils;

-to warn and overcome academic failure;

-to implement correctional and developmental activity at educational establishments of various types;

-to develop and implement individual programmes for correctional and developmental work with children with special needs;

-to evaluate academic achievements, degree of development and education of pupils;

-to implement professional self-education and self-upbringing with the aim to enhance professional activity.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

9,9 credit point. 356 academic hours in total, among them – 150 class hours: 76 hours for lectures, 68 hours for tutorials, 8 hours for laboratory practicals; Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Peculiarities of educational process addressed to pupils with speech disorders. Specialized educational establishments and their functions. Peculiarities of work of a teacher-speech pathologist and an after-school teacher at specialized educational establishments for children with speech disorders. Methodological fundamentals of education and training of children with speech disorders in accordance with the following sections: development of speech, acquaintance with the world around us, formation of elementary representation on Mathematics, sensitive education, decorative art and design, development of play activity, self-service and everyday labour.


problem-based learning, partially searching, research, procreational, interactive, reflective.


1. Exam;

2. General testing;

3. Evaluation of knowledge and skills in accordance with 10-grade system.



Logopedic massage


(1 credit point, 36 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.


Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to be able to provide a person who suffer from speech disorders with logopedic massage.

Academic competence:

-to be able to use scientific and theoretical knowledge when theoretical and practical tasks are solved;

-to have skills for research;

-to apply to interdisciplinary approach when problem are solved.

Social and personal approach:

-to be ready for social cooperation;

-to have skills for interpersonal communication;

-to have skills for health preservation;

-to be able to implement self-education and enhance professional activity.

Professional activity:

-to implement best practices, forms and means of studies;

-to provide handicapped children with possibilities of social cooperation;

-to arrange correctional and developmental activity at the educational establishments of various types.


Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

1 credit point. 36 academic hours in total, among them – 24 class hours: 14 hours for lectures, 10 hours for tutorials; Final check-up –credit.


Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

1. Massage and health effect.

2. Anatomy and physiology of vocal organs.

3. Methodology of classical massage.

4. Methodology of graded massage.

5. Techniques of logopedic massage.


Methods: demonstrable (illustration, demonstration, supervision);

verbal (explanation, conversation, instruction); practical (exercise, modelling).

Forms: individual work, work in a group, work in a team.


1. Recitation and written questionnaire.

2. Tutorials.

3. General testing.



(2,1 credit points, 76 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form professional competence of pupils with the aim to enhance their correctional and pedagogical activity on functional literacy development.

Academic competence:

-to be able to apply to basic scientific and theoretical knowledge with the aim to complete theoretical and practical tasks;

-to be able to work independently;

-to create new ideas (be creative);

-to conduct systemic and comparative analysis;

-to conduct research;

-to apply to an interdisciplinary approach when a teacher faces troubles when he works with children who suffer intellectual incapacity;

-to be capable to use technical means of teaching i.e. to manage information, to work on the computer, etc.;

-to have skills for oral and written communication;

-to have a wish to study and enhance professional competence as long as life endures.

Social and personal competence:

-to be able to conduct social cooperation;

-to get ready for social cooperation;

-to have skills for interpersonal communication;

-to have skills to preserve health;

-to work in a team.

Professional competence:

-to use effective means, forms and tools in education;

-to arrange and conduct classes of various types and forms;

-to develop academic possibilities and capabilities of pupils as a basis of systematized pedagogical diagnostics;

-to develop skills for independent work of students i.e. to know how to work with reference books, scientific literature and other sources of information;

-to implement correctional and developmental work at educational establishments of various types;

-to develop and implement individual programmes of correctional and developmental work with children who suffer from psychological disorders;

-to implement professional self-education and self-upbringing with the aim to enhance professional activity.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2,1 credit point. 76 academic hours in total, among them – 44 class hours: 16 hours for lectures, 14 hours for tutorials/ seminars; 14 hours for laboratory practical; Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Formation of functional literacy as a modern social and pedagogical issue.

Methods: problem-based learning, partially searching, research, procreational.

Forms: general questioning, sub-group, individual.


1.     1. Credit.

2.     2. General testing.

3. Evaluation of knowledge and skills in accordance with 10-grade system.

Functional literacy as an object for study in Specialized Pedagogics.

Theoretical fundamentals of functional literacy formation useful for teachers who work with children who suffer from intellectual incapacity.

Ways to determine levels of functional literacy when a teacher works with children who suffer from intellectual incapacity.

Formation of functional literacy by means of interactive technologies and IT useful for teachers who work with children who suffer from intellectual incapacity.


Speech therapy assistance

(1 credit point, 36 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form general idea about essence and singularity of speech therapy when children with special needs are treated.

Academic competence:

-to search for and analyze scientific sources of information devoted to education and training of children with special needs;

-to apply to interdisciplinary approach when issues of development, education and training of people with special needs;

-to know about modern teaching approaches and techniques, to be able to adopt all them into educational process.

Social-personal competence:

-to get acquainted with international standards of children’s rights protection and legislative system of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of specialized teaching assistance devoted to work with children who suffer from psychological and physical disorders;

-to get ready to interpersonal communication;

-to design cooperation between the participants of the correctional-pedagogical process;

-to be able to follow and protect the rights of children with speech disorders;

-to be able to implement self-education and enhance professional activity.

Professional competence:

-to get acquainted with pacing technologies in the field of Logopedic Pedagogics used abroad and in the Republic of Belarus;

-to get acquainted with the principles, contents of specialized training and education in preschool and school periods when children with speech disorders are under the control;

-to get acquainted with general and specialized peculiarities of children’s development when they suffer from speech disorders;

-to apply to modern approaches to arrangement and contents of education processes when teachers deal with children who suffer from speech disorders at the premises of educational establishments for specialized training;

-to be able to implement psychological and pedagogical assistance of children with speech disorders when educational and training processes are conducted at the premises of preschool educational establishments and general secondary establishments.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

1 credit point. 36 academic hours in total, among them – 24 class hours: 16 hours for lectures, 8 hours for tutorials/ seminars; Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

1. Speech therapy assistance held at the premises of preschool educational establishments.

Methods: problem-based learning, partially searching, research, procreational.

Forms: general questioning, sub-group, individual.


3.     1. Credit.

4.     2. General testing.

3. Evaluation of knowledge and skills in accordance with 10-grade system.

2. Speech therapy assistance held at the premises of educational establishments and addressed to school children.

3. Speech therapy in the system of health care maintaining.

4. Selection of children for studies in specialized educational establishments.

5. Education and training with special needs.

6. Characteristics of speaking functions of children with special needs.

7. Methodology of correctional and pedagogical activity with children who suffer from psychological and physiological disorders.

8. Preventive measures against speech disorders.


Methodological fundamentals of correctional and developmental assistance

(10,9 credit points, 394 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form professional competence which promotes effective implementation of correctional and developmental activity with children with special needs under the conditions of a social and cultural situation, change of an academic paradigm.

Academic competence:

-to apply to basic scientific and theoretical knowledge when theoretical and practical tasks are solved;

-to conduct research;

-to work independently;

-to conduct academic and research activities;

-to have skills for oral and written communication;

-to be able to study, enhance professional competence as long as life endures.

Professional competence:

-to implement educational activites;

-to apply to the best practice, forms and methods of training;

-to conduct classes of various types;

-to develop academic activities of pupils at the premises of systematized pedagogical diagnostics;

-to implement value-oriented activity with pupils and their children.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

10,9 credit points. 394 academic hours in total, among them – 202 class hours: 78 hours for tutorials/ seminars, 16 hours for laboratory practicals; Final check-up – credit, exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Section 1. Scientific and methodological fundamentals of correctional and developmental work

Methods: problem-based learning, partially searching, research, procreational.

Forms: general questioning, sub-group, individual.


1. Credit

2. Exam.

3. General testing.

4. Evaluation of knowledge and skills in accordance with 10-grade system.


Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of correctional and developmental work

Diagnostic arrangement of correctional and developmental work

Planning of correctional and developmental work

Methodological fundamentals of correctional and developmental work

Section 2. Methodological fundamentals of correctional and developmental work with children who suffer from academic failure

Theoretical fundamentals of correctional and developmental work with children who suffer from academic failure

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children who suffer from academic failure

Peculiarities of contents and arrangement of correctional and developmental work with children with suffer from academic failure

Basic directions of correctional and developmental work with children who suffer from academic failure

Contents and arrangement of correctional and developmental work with children who suffer from academic failure

Section 3. Methodological fundamentals of correctional and developmental work with children who suffer from autism

Children’s autism as a pervasive disorder of psychological development

Diagnostics of children who suffer from autism and related disorders

Emotional approach to treat children’s autism

Structuralized training of children who suffer from autism

Operant training of children who suffer from autism

Sensory integration and its development observed when children suffer from autism

Development of communicative competence of children who suffer from autism

Development of social competence and correction of problem-plagued behavior of children who suffer from autism

Work with parents who bring up a child who suffer from autism

Section 4. Fundamentals of correctional and developmental work with children who suffer from supporting-motor apparatus disorders

System of medical and psychological-pedagogical assistance for children who suffer from supporting-motor apparatus disorders

Peculiarities of arrangement and contents of correctional and pedagogical work with children who suffer from supporting-motor apparatus disorders

Development of movement mobility of children who suffer from supporting-motor apparatus disorders

Additional supportive means and equipment to assist children with supporting-motor apparatus disorders

Children with supporting-motor apparatus disorders: how to develop orientation in the society and at home

Sensory development of children who suffer from supporting-motor apparatus disorders

Cognitive activity of children who suffer from supporting-motor apparatus disorders

Development of communicative behavior of children who suffer from supporting-motor apparatus disorders

Peculiarities of educational activities with parents who bring up a child with supporting-motor apparatus disorders

Section 5. Methodological fundamentals of correctional and developmental work with children who suffer from physical and psychological disorders

Theoretical fundamentals of correctional and pedagogical work with children who suffer from physical and psychological disorders

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children who suffer from physical and psychological disorders

Peculiarities of organization and contents of correctional and pedagogical work with children who suffer from physical and psychological disorders under the conditions of the Center for correctional and developmental training and rehabilitation

Basal stimulation in correctional and pedagogical activity with children who suffer from physical and psychological disorders

Sensory integration into correctional and pedagogical work with children who suffer from physical and psychological disorders

Use of occupational therapy in the correctional and pedagogical work with children who suffer from physical and psychological disorders

Combined-separated method of training addressed to children who suffer from physical and psychological disorders


Logopedic Psychology

(4,1 credit points, 146 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get theoretical knowledge in the field of Logopedic Psychology and fundamentals of psychological diagnostics, psychological correction and consultation.

Academic competence:

-to apply to basic scientific and theoretical knowledge when theoretical and practical tasks are solved;

-to conduct research;

-to work independently;

-to conduct academic and research activities;

-to have skills for oral and written communication.

Social-personal competence:

-to be able to implement value-oriented activities;

-to have skills for interpersonal communication;

-to be able to implement self-education and self-perfection professional activities.

Professional competence:

-to conduct educational activities;

-to predict and overcome educational activities;

-to conduct preventive measures for deviant behavior;

-to implement value-oriented activity together with parents and children;

-to evaluate academic achievements, degree of education and development;

-to implement self-education and self-perfection of professional activity.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

14 credit points. 146 academic hours in total, among them – 68 class hours: 36 hours for lectures, 24 hours for tutorials/ seminars, 8 hours for laboratory practicals; Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Section 1. Theoretical fundamentals of Logopedic Psychology

Methods: problem-based learning, partially searching, research, procreational.

Forms: general questioning, sub-group, individual.


1. Exam.

2. General testing.

3. Evaluation of knowledge and skills in accordance with 10-grade system.


Logopedic Psychology as a Science

Conceptual fundamentals of Logopedic Psychology

Section 2. Development of cognitive sphere of a person who suffers from speech disorders 

How people with speech disorders are treated by other people

Attentiveness of people with speech disorders

Memory of people with speech disorders

Mentality of people with speech disorders

Imagination of people with speech disorders

Section 3. Development of a person, interpersonal relations, communication and activity of people who suffer from speech disorders

Emotional and willed spheres of individual and typological peculiarities of people who suffer from speech disorders

Motivational and need, self-concept and pretension of people who suffer from speech disorders

Interpersonal relations and communication between people who suffer from speech disorders

Activity of people who suffer from speech disorders

Section 4. Psychological assistance of people who suffer from speech disorders

Organizational and methodological aspects of psychological and pedagogical assistance addressed to people with speech disorders

Psychological diagnostics in the system of psychological and pedagogical assistance of people who suffer from speech disorders

Psychological correction in the system of psychological and pedagogical assistance of people who suffer from speech disorders

Psychological assistance in the system of psychological and pedagogical assistance of people who suffer from speech disorders


Logopedic Pedagogics

(8,3 credit points, 298 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to provide students with theoretical and practical training; it will allow the students to complete tasks on general and specific issues in training and education of children with speech disorders under the conditions of specialized, integrated and inclusive education.

Academic competence:

-to be able to use general scientific and theoretical knowledge to complete theoretical and practical tasks;

-to conduct research in Pedagogics.

Social-personal competence:

-to possess civic consciousness;

-to be capable for social cooperation;

-to conduct interpersonal communication;

-to be able to criticize and accept criticism.

Professional competence:

-to conduct independent work of students;

-to create special conditions for getting specialized education at the premises of preschool and general secondary education.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

8,3 credit points. 298 academic hours in total, among them – 142 class hours: 78 hours for lectures, 56 hours for tutorials/ seminars, 8 hours for laboratory practicals; Final check-up –credit, exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Section 1. History of Logopedic Pedagogics

Methods: problem-based learning, partially searching, research, procreational.

Forms: general questioning, sub-group, individual.


5.     1. Credit

6.     2.Exam

7.     3. General testing;

4. Evaluation of knowledge and skills in accordance with 10-grade system.


Problematic field of correctional pedagogics (Logopedic Pedagogics).

Pre-scientific period of development in Correctional pedagogics and first references on speech disorders (from classical times till XIV cent.)

Stage 1 and Stage 2 defined in correctional pedagogics development (Classical science of the Renaissance, the Modern age, the Enlightenment (XIV-XIX cent.))

Stage 3 defined in correctional pedagogics development (Neo-classic science (XIX – XX cent.))

Stage 4 defined in correctional pedagogics development (Postneo-classic science (XX cent.))

Section 2. Logopedic Pedagogics

Scientific and theoretical fundamentals of Logopedic Pedagogics

General questioning on Logopedic Pedagogics

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of pupils with speech disorders

System of educational establishments available for children with speech disorders

Theory of integral correctional pedagogical process

Correctional and pedagogical process as an integral phenomenon

Scientific and methodological fundamentals of educational environment for children with speech disorders

Arrangement-methodological fundamentals of studies and education of students with speech disorders

Target setting in correctional and pedagogical work

Education of pupils with speech disorders and its contents

Methods and technologies of training and education of pupils with speech disorders


Management of training and education of pupils with speech disorders

Control and evaluation of academic and cognitive activity of children with speech disorders

Partnership established between an educational establishment and a family

Theory of management

Management at educational establishments

Professional activity and personality of a teacher

Section 3. Integrated and inclusive education and training of children with special needs

Modern tendencies in personal development of people with special needs: integration, inclusion

Standard and legal fundamentals of integrated and inclusive education and training in the Republic of Belarus

Scientific and methodological supply of integrated and inclusive education and training of children with special needs

Arrangement of educational process under the conditions of integrated and inclusive education and training

Methodological fundamentals of social inclusion of children with special needs under the conditions of integrated and inclusive education and training

Psychological and pedagogical assistance of integrated and inclusive education and training

Cooperation of teachers and parents under the conditions of integrated and inclusive education and training




(2 credit points, 72 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form professional competence which will influence on effective implementation of correctional and pedagogic activity with children with special needs at the premises of correction support center.

Academic competence:

-to apply to basic scientific and theoretical knowledge for further completion of theoretical and practical tasks;

-to implement systematic and comparative analysis;

-to have skills for research;

-to apply to interdisciplinary approach when academic activity is addressed to children with special needs;

-to use technical means of data processing;

-to have skills for oral and written communication;

-to have a wish to study, enhance academic competence as long as life endures.

Professional competence:

-to implement academic activity;

-to apply to the best practice, methods and means of training;

-to arrange and conduct classes;

-to enhance academic abilities of pupils by means of teaching diagnostics;

-to implement value-based activity with pupils and their parents.

 Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 72 academic hours in total, among them – 34 class hours: 20 hours for lectures, 10 hours for tutorials/ seminars, 4 hours for laboratory practicals; Final check-up –credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Management and contents of work implemented at the premises of correction support centers.

Methods: problem-based learning, partially searching, research, procreational.

Forms: general questioning, sub-group, individual.


8.     1. Credit

9.     2. General testing;

3. Evaluation of knowledge and skills in accordance with 10-grade system.


Correction-pedagogic assistance held at the premises of correction support centers and addressed to children with speech disorders.

Correctional and pedagogical assistance held at the premises of correction support centers and addressed to children with aural disorders.

Correctional and pedagogical assistance held at the premises of correction support centers and addressed to children with vision disorders.

Correctional and pedagogical assistance held at the premises of correction support centers and addressed to children with special needs (those who suffer from academic failures).








(2,1 credit points, 76 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form professional competence of pupils with the aim to enhance their correctional and pedagogical activity on functional literacy development.

Academic competence:

-to be able to apply to basic scientific and theoretical knowledge with the aim to complete theoretical and practical tasks;

-to be able to work independently;

-to create new ideas (be creative);

-to conduct systemic and comparative analysis;

-to conduct research;

-to apply to an interdisciplinary approach when a teacher faces troubles when he works with children who suffer intellectual incapacity;

-to be capable to use technical means of teaching i.e. to manage information, to work on the computer, etc.;

-to have skills for oral and written communication;

-to have a wish to study and enhance professional competence as long as life endures.

Social and personal competence:

-to be able to conduct social cooperation;

-to get ready for social cooperation;

-to have skills for interpersonal communication;

-to have skills to preserve health;

-to work in a team.

Professional competence:

-to use effective means, forms and tools in education;

-to arrange and conduct classes of various types and forms;

-to develop academic possibilities and capabilities of pupils as a basis of systematized pedagogical diagnostics;

-to develop skills for independent work of students i.e. to know how to work with reference books, scientific literature and other sources of information;

-to implement correctional and developmental work at educational establishments of various types;

-to develop and implement individual programmes of correctional and developmental work with children who suffer from psychological disorders;

-to implement professional self-education and self-upbringing with the aim to enhance professional activity.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2,1 credit point. 76 academic hours in total, among them – 44 class hours: 16 hours for lectures, 14 hours for tutorials/ seminars; 14 hours for laboratory practical; Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Formation of functional literacy as a modern social and pedagogical issue.

Methods: problem-based learning, partially searching, research, procreational.

Forms: general questioning, sub-group, individual.


1.     1. Credit.

2.     2. General testing.

3. Evaluation of knowledge and skills in accordance with 10-grade system.

Functional literacy as an object for study in Specialized Pedagogics.

Theoretical fundamentals of functional literacy formation useful for teachers who work with children who suffer from intellectual incapacity.

Ways to determine levels of functional literacy when a teacher works with children who suffer from intellectual incapacity.

Formation of functional literacy by means of interactive technologies and IT useful for teachers who work with children who suffer from intellectual incapacity.


Speech therapy assistance

(1 credit point, 36 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form general idea about essence and singularity of speech therapy when children with special needs are treated.

Academic competence:

-to search for and analyze scientific sources of information devoted to education and training of children with special needs;

-to apply to interdisciplinary approach when issues of development, education and training of people with special needs;

-to know about modern teaching approaches and techniques, to be able to adopt all them into educational process.

Social-personal competence:

-to get acquainted with international standards of children’s rights protection and legislative system of the Republic of Belarus in the sphere of specialized teaching assistance devoted to work with children who suffer from psychological and physical disorders;

-to get ready to interpersonal communication;

-to design cooperation between the participants of the correctional-pedagogical process;

-to be able to follow and protect the rights of children with speech disorders;

-to be able to implement self-education and enhance professional activity.

Professional competence:

-to get acquainted with pacing technologies in the field of Logopedic Pedagogics used abroad and in the Republic of Belarus;

-to get acquainted with the principles, contents of specialized training and education in preschool and school periods when children with speech disorders are under the control;

-to get acquainted with general and specialized peculiarities of children’s development when they suffer from speech disorders;

-to apply to modern approaches to arrangement and contents of education processes when teachers deal with children who suffer from speech disorders at the premises of educational establishments for specialized training;

-to be able to implement psychological and pedagogical assistance of children with speech disorders when educational and training processes are conducted at the premises of preschool educational establishments and general secondary establishments.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

1 credit point. 36 academic hours in total, among them – 24 class hours: 16 hours for lectures, 8 hours for tutorials/ seminars; Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

1. Speech therapy assistance held at the premises of preschool educational establishments.

Methods: problem-based learning, partially searching, research, procreational.

Forms: general questioning, sub-group, individual.


3.     1. Credit.

4.     2. General testing.

3. Evaluation of knowledge and skills in accordance with 10-grade system.

2. Speech therapy assistance held at the premises of educational establishments and addressed to school children.

3. Speech therapy in the system of health care maintaining.

4. Selection of children for studies in specialized educational establishments.

5. Education and training with special needs.

6. Characteristics of speaking functions of children with special needs.

7. Methodology of correctional and pedagogical activity with children who suffer from psychological and physiological disorders.

8. Preventive measures against speech disorders.





Methodological fundamentals of correctional and developmental assistance

(10,9 credit points, 394 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form professional competence which promotes effective implementation of correctional and developmental activity with children with special needs under the conditions of a social and cultural situation, change of an academic paradigm.

Academic competence:

-to apply to basic scientific and theoretical knowledge when theoretical and practical tasks are solved;

-to conduct research;

-to work independently;

-to conduct academic and research activities;

-to have skills for oral and written communication;

-to be able to study, enhance professional competence as long as life endures.

Professional competence:

-to implement educational activites;

-to apply to the best practice, forms and methods of training;

-to conduct classes of various types;

-to develop academic activities of pupils at the premises of systematized pedagogical diagnostics;

-to implement value-oriented activity with pupils and their children.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

10,9 credit points. 394 academic hours in total, among them – 202 class hours: 78 hours for tutorials/ seminars, 16 hours for laboratory practicals; Final check-up – credit, exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Section 1. Scientific and methodological fundamentals of correctional and developmental work

Methods: problem-based learning, partially searching, research, procreational.

Forms: general questioning, sub-group, individual.


1. Credit

2. Exam.

3. General testing.

4. Evaluation of knowledge and skills in accordance with 10-grade system.


Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of correctional and developmental work

Diagnostic arrangement of correctional and developmental work

Planning of correctional and developmental work

Methodological fundamentals of correctional and developmental work

Section 2. Methodological fundamentals of correctional and developmental work with children who suffer from academic failure

Theoretical fundamentals of correctional and developmental work with children who suffer from academic failure

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children who suffer from academic failure

Peculiarities of contents and arrangement of correctional and developmental work with children with suffer from academic failure

Basic directions of correctional and developmental work with children who suffer from academic failure

Contents and arrangement of correctional and developmental work with children who suffer from academic failure

Section 3. Methodological fundamentals of correctional and developmental work with children who suffer from autism

Children’s autism as a pervasive disorder of psychological development

Diagnostics of children who suffer from autism and related disorders

Emotional approach to treat children’s autism

Structuralized training of children who suffer from autism

Operant training of children who suffer from autism

Sensory integration and its development observed when children suffer from autism

Development of communicative competence of children who suffer from autism

Development of social competence and correction of problem-plagued behavior of children who suffer from autism

Work with parents who bring up a child who suffer from autism

Section 4. Fundamentals of correctional and developmental work with children who suffer from supporting-motor apparatus disorders

System of medical and psychological-pedagogical assistance for children who suffer from supporting-motor apparatus disorders

Peculiarities of arrangement and contents of correctional and pedagogical work with children who suffer from supporting-motor apparatus disorders

Development of movement mobility of children who suffer from supporting-motor apparatus disorders

Additional supportive means and equipment to assist children with supporting-motor apparatus disorders

Children with supporting-motor apparatus disorders: how to develop orientation in the society and at home

Sensory development of children who suffer from supporting-motor apparatus disorders

Cognitive activity of children who suffer from supporting-motor apparatus disorders

Development of communicative behavior of children who suffer from supporting-motor apparatus disorders

Peculiarities of educational activities with parents who bring up a child with supporting-motor apparatus disorders

Section 5. Methodological fundamentals of correctional and developmental work with children who suffer from physical and psychological disorders

Theoretical fundamentals of correctional and pedagogical work with children who suffer from physical and psychological disorders

Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of children who suffer from physical and psychological disorders

Peculiarities of organization and contents of correctional and pedagogical work with children who suffer from physical and psychological disorders under the conditions of the Center for correctional and developmental training and rehabilitation

Basal stimulation in correctional and pedagogical activity with children who suffer from physical and psychological disorders

Sensory integration into correctional and pedagogical work with children who suffer from physical and psychological disorders

Use of occupational therapy in the correctional and pedagogical work with children who suffer from physical and psychological disorders

Combined-separated method of training addressed to children who suffer from physical and psychological disorders


Logopedic Psychology

(4,1 credit points, 146 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get theoretical knowledge in the field of Logopedic Psychology and fundamentals of psychological diagnostics, psychological correction and consultation.

Academic competence:

-to apply to basic scientific and theoretical knowledge when theoretical and practical tasks are solved;

-to conduct research;

-to work independently;

-to conduct academic and research activities;

-to have skills for oral and written communication.

Social-personal competence:

-to be able to implement value-oriented activities;

-to have skills for interpersonal communication;

-to be able to implement self-education and self-perfection professional activities.

Professional competence:

-to conduct educational activities;

-to predict and overcome educational activities;

-to conduct preventive measures for deviant behavior;

-to implement value-oriented activity together with parents and children;

-to evaluate academic achievements, degree of education and development;

-to implement self-education and self-perfection of professional activity.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

14 credit points. 146 academic hours in total, among them – 68 class hours: 36 hours for lectures, 24 hours for tutorials/ seminars, 8 hours for laboratory practicals; Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Section 1. Theoretical fundamentals of Logopedic Psychology

Methods: problem-based learning, partially searching, research, procreational.

Forms: general questioning, sub-group, individual.


1. Exam.

2. General testing.

3. Evaluation of knowledge and skills in accordance with 10-grade system.


Logopedic Psychology as a Science

Conceptual fundamentals of Logopedic Psychology

Section 2. Development of cognitive sphere of a person who suffers from speech disorders 

How people with speech disorders are treated by other people

Attentiveness of people with speech disorders

Memory of people with speech disorders

Mentality of people with speech disorders

Imagination of people with speech disorders

Section 3. Development of a person, interpersonal relations, communication and activity of people who suffer from speech disorders

Emotional and willed spheres of individual and typological peculiarities of people who suffer from speech disorders

Motivational and need, self-concept and pretension of people who suffer from speech disorders

Interpersonal relations and communication between people who suffer from speech disorders

Activity of people who suffer from speech disorders

Section 4. Psychological assistance of people who suffer from speech disorders

Organizational and methodological aspects of psychological and pedagogical assistance addressed to people with speech disorders

Psychological diagnostics in the system of psychological and pedagogical assistance of people who suffer from speech disorders

Psychological correction in the system of psychological and pedagogical assistance of people who suffer from speech disorders

Psychological assistance in the system of psychological and pedagogical assistance of people who suffer from speech disorders


Logopedic Pedagogics

(8,3 credit points, 298 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to provide students with theoretical and practical training; it will allow the students to complete tasks on general and specific issues in training and education of children with speech disorders under the conditions of specialized, integrated and inclusive education.

Academic competence:

-to be able to use general scientific and theoretical knowledge to complete theoretical and practical tasks;

-to conduct research in Pedagogics.

Social-personal competence:

-to possess civic consciousness;

-to be capable for social cooperation;

-to conduct interpersonal communication;

-to be able to criticize and accept criticism.

Professional competence:

-to conduct independent work of students;

-to create special conditions for getting specialized education at the premises of preschool and general secondary education.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

8,3 credit points. 298 academic hours in total, among them – 142 class hours: 78 hours for lectures, 56 hours for tutorials/ seminars, 8 hours for laboratory practicals; Final check-up –credit, exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Section 1. History of Logopedic Pedagogics

Methods: problem-based learning, partially searching, research, procreational.

Forms: general questioning, sub-group, individual.


5.     1. Credit

6.     2.Exam

7.     3. General testing;

4. Evaluation of knowledge and skills in accordance with 10-grade system.


Problematic field of correctional pedagogics (Logopedic Pedagogics).

Pre-scientific period of development in Correctional pedagogics and first references on speech disorders (from classical times till XIV cent.)

Stage 1 and Stage 2 defined in correctional pedagogics development (Classical science of the Renaissance, the Modern age, the Enlightenment (XIV-XIX cent.))

Stage 3 defined in correctional pedagogics development (Neo-classic science (XIX – XX cent.))

Stage 4 defined in correctional pedagogics development (Postneo-classic science (XX cent.))

Section 2. Logopedic Pedagogics

Scientific and theoretical fundamentals of Logopedic Pedagogics

General questioning on Logopedic Pedagogics

Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of pupils with speech disorders

System of educational establishments available for children with speech disorders

Theory of integral correctional pedagogical process

Correctional and pedagogical process as an integral phenomenon

Scientific and methodological fundamentals of educational environment for children with speech disorders

Arrangement-methodological fundamentals of studies and education of students with speech disorders

Target setting in correctional and pedagogical work

Education of pupils with speech disorders and its contents

Methods and technologies of training and education of pupils with speech disorders


Management of training and education of pupils with speech disorders

Control and evaluation of academic and cognitive activity of children with speech disorders

Partnership established between an educational establishment and a family

Theory of management

Management at educational establishments

Professional activity and personality of a teacher

Section 3. Integrated and inclusive education and training of children with special needs

Modern tendencies in personal development of people with special needs: integration, inclusion

Standard and legal fundamentals of integrated and inclusive education and training in the Republic of Belarus

Scientific and methodological supply of integrated and inclusive education and training of children with special needs

Arrangement of educational process under the conditions of integrated and inclusive education and training

Methodological fundamentals of social inclusion of children with special needs under the conditions of integrated and inclusive education and training

Psychological and pedagogical assistance of integrated and inclusive education and training

Cooperation of teachers and parents under the conditions of integrated and inclusive education and training




(2 credit points, 72 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-03 03 01 “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form professional competence which will influence on effective implementation of correctional and pedagogic activity with children with special needs at the premises of correction support center.

Academic competence:

-to apply to basic scientific and theoretical knowledge for further completion of theoretical and practical tasks;

-to implement systematic and comparative analysis;

-to have skills for research;

-to apply to interdisciplinary approach when academic activity is addressed to children with special needs;

-to use technical means of data processing;

-to have skills for oral and written communication;

-to have a wish to study, enhance academic competence as long as life endures.

Professional competence:

-to implement academic activity;

-to apply to the best practice, methods and means of training;

-to arrange and conduct classes;

-to enhance academic abilities of pupils by means of teaching diagnostics;

-to implement value-based activity with pupils and their parents.

 Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 72 academic hours in total, among them – 34 class hours: 20 hours for lectures, 10 hours for tutorials/ seminars, 4 hours for laboratory practicals; Final check-up –credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Management and contents of work implemented at the premises of correction support centers.

Methods: problem-based learning, partially searching, research, procreational.

Forms: general questioning, sub-group, individual.


8.     1. Credit

9.     2. General testing;

3. Evaluation of knowledge and skills in accordance with 10-grade system.


Correction-pedagogic assistance held at the premises of correction support centers and addressed to children with speech disorders.

Correctional and pedagogical assistance held at the premises of correction support centers and addressed to children with aural disorders.

Correctional and pedagogical assistance held at the premises of correction support centers and addressed to children with vision disorders.

Correctional and pedagogical assistance held at the premises of correction support centers and addressed to children with special needs (those who suffer from academic failures).




Additional information