Catalogue of academic disciplines chair of History and Social Sciences

Catalogue of academic disciplines chair of History and Social Sciences

History of the Southern and Western Slavs

(3 credit points, 125 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to develop coherent system of knowledge devoted to history of the southern and western slavs in the context of the world historical process.

Competence: to obtain the qualities for civic consciousness, ability to inter-individual communication; be ready for social cooperation, critics, autocriticism; be able to be a part of a team; to be able to find information individually; to upgrade professional skills as long as life endures; to get and apply basic scientific and theoretical knowledge; to develop research skills; to know and apply various forms for training process arrangement; to take into account various forms of training; taking into account international cooperation of the countries be able to single out basic tendencies of modern state development; to be able to arrange educational process; to apply legal acts in professional activity.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

3 credit points. 125 academic hours in total, among them - 74 class hours: 36 hours for lectures, 16 hours for tutorials and 18 hours for seminars; Final check-up –credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Section I. Central and Eastern European People (V – H1 XVI).

Section II. The Southern and Western Slavs when the middle-class society developed (XVI century – 1918).

Section III. Contemporary history (from 1918 to 2000).

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: historical and problem-plagued, historical-comparative, synchronistic, chronological, retrospective

Forms: lectures, tutorials, seminars, supervised students’ activity.

1. Credit


History teaching methodology

(6,5 credit points, 229 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: theoretical and practical training of prospective History teachers.

Competence: to obtain the qualities for civic consciousness, ability to inter-individual communication; be ready for social cooperation, critics, autocriticism; be able to be a part of a team; to be able to find information individually; to upgrade professional skills as long as life endures; to get and apply basic scientific and theoretical knowledge; to develop research skills; to know and apply various forms for training process arrangement; to take into account various forms of training; taking into account international cooperation of the countries be able to single out basic tendencies of modern state development; to be able to arrange educational process; to apply legal acts in professional activity.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

6,5 credit points. 229 academic hours in total, among them - 106 class hours: 66 hours for lectures, 40 hours for seminars; Final check-up –credit, exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Subject and tasks of the course. Contemporary issues of school historical education. Formation of historical knowledge. Chronology and division into periods in History. Methods, tools and means of History training arrangement. Lesson of History. Development of cognitive ability of pupils while studying of History. extracurricular  activities on History. Repetition, check-up, evaluation and knowledge and skills recording. Professional and personal qualities of History teachers.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: informative- receptive, procreational, problem-plagued, heuristic.


Forms: lectures, seminars.

  1. 1.Credit
  2. 2.Exam


Educational Module «Political Sciences» (Ideological Fundamentals of Belarusian State)

(2-3 credit points, 72-100 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on pedagogical specializations.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to study the fundamentals of Modern Belarusian State Ideology, to identify a personal civil position in social-political life of the country.

Competence: to possess the following skills: civic consciousness, interpersonal communication, cooperation in the society, accept criticism and autocriticism, work in a team, use systematic and comparative analysis; enhance professional skills.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2-3 credit points. 72/ 100 academic hours in total, among them - 16 class hours: 8 hours for lectures, 8 hours for seminars; Final check-up –credit, exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Module 1. Ideology and its role in modern society.

Module 2. Cultural-historical (civilizational) component of Belarusian State Ideology.

Module 3. Political, economic and social-humanitarian components included into Belarusian State Ideology.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: structural-functional, systematic, integrated, typological, comparative, analysis, deduction, induction.


Forms: lectures, seminars

  1. 1.Credit
  2. 2.Exam

«Law Basics and Human rights»

(2 credit points, 72 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on pedagogical specializations.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to study Law and State as a general social phenomenon which provides social arrangement, management and audit promoting further social progress.

Competence: to perceive civic consciousness, to communicate, to cooperate in the society, to accept criticism and autocriticism, to work in a team, to use systematic and comparative analysis; to enhance professional skills, to apply legal acts to future career.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 72 academic hours in total, among them - 34 class hours: 22/18 hours for lectures, 12/16 hours for seminars; Final check-up –credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Law. Law fundamentals, system and authority. Legal responsibility and its types. Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Personality, Law and constitutional state. Constitution of the Republic of Belarus. Implementation of constitutional laws in the Republic of Belarus. Administrative law. Civil law. Employment and labour law. Legal coverage of social security implemented in the Republic of Belarus. Family Law.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: informative- receptive, procreational, problem-plagued narration, legal, content analysis.

Forms: lectures, seminars

  1. 1.Credit


Educational Module «History» (History of Belarus in the context of European civilization)

(2-3 credit points, 72/100 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to form and develop social-personal competence, professional knowledge and practical skills sufficient for solution and implementation of public, social and professional, personal tasks and functions.

Competence: to perceive civic consciousness, to communicate, to cooperate in the society, to accept criticism and autocriticism, to work in a team, to use systematic and comparative analysis; to enhance professional skills, to apply legal acts to future career.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2-3 credit points. 72/100 academic hours in total, among them - 34 class hours: 18 hours for lectures, 16 hours for seminars; Final check-up –credit, exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Belarusian ethnos and historical stages of its development. Belarusian State formation in IX–XVIII cent. Belarusian lands as a part of the Russian empire (at the end of the XVIIIth cent. – October 1917). Soviet social-political system in Belarus (October 1917 – June 1941). Belarus in the years of WWII and Great Patriotic war. BSSR: achievements and labour drawbacks in post-war period (1945 - 1991). Republic of Belarus at the end of XX – beg. XXI cent.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: historical and problem-plagued, historical-comparative; synchronistic.

Forms: lectures, seminars.

1. Credit

2. Exam


Great Patriotic War of Soviet People (in the context of WW II)

(34 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on pedagogical specializations.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to study the Great Patriotic War (in the context of WW II), the information for investigation has been taken from people’s memories who lived on the occupational territories and in the Soviet domestic front; to study Belarusian people’s contribution after Nazi crushing defeat; to study the influence of war events on Soviet people’s and European’s fate.

Competence: to perceive civic consciousness, to communicate, to cooperate in the society, to accept criticism and autocriticism, to work in a team, to use systematic and comparative analysis; to enhance professional skills, to apply legal acts to future career.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

34 academic hours in total, among them – 20 class hours: 20 hours for lectures.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Topic 1. International standing before WW II.

Topic 2. Beginning of WW II and events in Belarus.

Topic 3. German occupation of European countries.

Topic 4. USSR before Great Patriotic War.

Topic 5. Beginning of Great Patriotic War.

Topic 6. Occupation regime.

Topic 7. Partisan and clandestine resistance on the occupational territory.

Topic 8. Event at the front. Offensive strategy of  German Wehrmacht and its wreckage.

Topic 9. Release of Belarus from German invaders.

Topic 10. Soviet domestic front in war period.

Topic 11. End of the Great Patriotic War and WW II. Victory!

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: historical and problem-plagued, historical-comparative; synchronistic.

Forms: lectures.


Modern and contemporary history of European and American Countries

(11 credit units, 426 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to study History of Western civilizations in the modern and contemporary era which is treated as a significant component in a prospective history teacher’s  and historian-researcher training.

Competence: to perceive civic consciousness, to communicate, to cooperate in the society, to accept criticism and autocriticism, to work in a team, to use systematic and comparative analysis; to enhance professional skills, to apply legal acts to future career; to get and use scientific-theoretical data with the aim to solve practical tasks, conduct systematic and comparative analysis; to obtain research skills; to apply to an interdisciplinary approach when solve problems; to develop skills useful for arrangement of educational processes; taking into account modern system of international cooperation be able to single out basic tendencies for state development in modern era.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

11 credit points. 426 academic hours in total, among them - 174 class hours: 150 hours for lectures, 24 hours for seminars; Final check-up –credit, exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Section 1 Modern History of Europe and America of an early part in modern era (end of XV cent. – 1st half of XVII cent.)

Section 2. Modern History of Europe and the USA in the middle of XVII – beg. XIX cent.

Section 3. Modern History of Europe and the USA in XIX – beg. of ХХ cent.

Section 4. Contemporary History of European and American countries. Western civilization in interwar period (1918 - 1939).

Section 5. Contemporary History of European and American countries (1945-2000).

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Методы: historical and problem-plagued, historical-comparative; synchronistic, chronological, retrospective.

Forms: lectures, seminars.



Credit, exam.


History of Belarus

(14,5 credit points, 782 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to form students’ social – personal competence, it will allow to determine their self-determination as exemplified in the system of values which was formed in the course of historical development of Belarusian society and establishment of independent Belarusian state; to form the feeling of immersiveness to the country’s fate and its history.

Competence: civic consciousness, i.e. establish social cooperation, be ready for interpersonal communication, to accept criticism and autocriticism (critical thinking); to apply to an interdisciplinary approach while problem solving, to conduct systematic and comparative analysis as well as research skills; to study and enhance professional skills as long as life endures, to work in a team; to use and apply to basic science and theory knowledge while solving theoretical and practical tasks, be able to work independently; be able to integrate new ideas (creativity), know and use various forms of educational process arrangement; to have skills for educational skills arrangement; to forecast for Historical education, its development in the Republic of Belarus and globally; be able to single out basic tendencies of Historical education and its development.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

14,5 credit points. 782 academic hours in total, among them - 300 class hours: 190 hours for lectures, 110 hours for seminars; Final check-up – exam in Semester 2, 4, 5, 6; credit – Semester 1,3,7.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Section 1. Introduction into the discipline “History of Belarus”. Section 2. Primitive society on the territory of Belarus. Section 3. Belarus in V – mid. XIII cent. Section 4. Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Rus and Samogitia in XIII – XV cent. Section 5. Belarusian lands in XVI – 1st half of XVII cent. Section 6. Wars and social-political conflicts in the 2nd half of the XVII – XVIII cent. Social, economic, political and cultural decline of Belarus. Section 7. Crisis of servage system (end of XVIII – 1st half of XIX cent.). Section 8. Establishment of bourgeois society in Belarus. Formation of the Belarusian nation (1861 - 1900). Section 9. Belarus in WW I (1914 - 1918). Section 10. Belarus and its position between two wars (1919 - 1939). Section 11. Belarus in WW II. Section 13. Modern Belarus.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: historical, logical, chronological, chronological- problem-plagued, problem-plagued – chronological; synchronistic.

Forms: lectures, seminars.

1. залік

2. экзамен


Modern and Contemporary History of Asia and Africa

(4 credit points, 270 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to acquaint students with peculiarities of political, social-economic and cultural History of Asian and African countries in Modern and Contemporary periods; to study the History of eastern civilizations: Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Muslim (partially African).

Competence: to obtain qualities of civic consciousness and tolerance; to be capable for social cooperation; to be capable for interpersonal cooperation; to accept criticism and autocriticism (critical thinking); to obtain basic scientific and theoretical knowledge for further solution of theoretical and practical tasks; to obtain systematic and comparative analysis, interdisciplinary approach to solution of problems, research skills; to be able to work independently; to be able to generate ideas.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

4 credit points. 270 academic hours in total, among them - 120 class hours: 90 hours for lectures, 30 hours for seminars; Final check-up – credit – Semester 5; exam – Semester 5.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Section 1. Modern History of Asian and African countries in the XVI cent. – XIX cent.

Section 2. The East in the middle of XIX cent. – 1918.

Section 3. Asian and African countries in 1918 – 1945.

Section 4. Asian and African countries after WW II. Education in People’s Republic of China. Cultural revolution. China at the end of the XX cent. – beg. the XXI cent. India and Pakistan in the 2nd half of the XX cent. Spiritual life of independent India. Japan in the 2nd half of the XX cent. – beg. the XXI cent. Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, after WW II. Spiritual life of the Muslim world. Israel in the 2nd half of the XX – beg. of the XXI cent. Development of political thought in Asian countries in the 2nd half of the XX – beg. of the XXI cent.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: historical, logical, chronological, problem-plagued, synchronistic, problem-plagued – chronological.

Forms: lectures, seminars.

1. Credit

2. Exam



















Fundamentals of Archeology

(2 credit points, 101 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to develop a full picture about origin and its specific character and functioning of early social and state forms taking into account the analysis of material culture.

Competence: to obtain qualities of civic consciousness and tolerance; to be capable for social cooperation; to be capable for interpersonal cooperation; to accept criticism and autocriticism (critical thinking); to obtain basic scientific and theoretical knowledge for further solution of theoretical and practical tasks; to obtain systematic and comparative analysis, interdisciplinary approach to solution of problems, research skills; to be able to work independently; to be able to generate ideas.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 101 academic hours in total, among them - 62 class hours: 32 hours for lectures, 30 hours for seminars; Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Archeology of the Stone Age (Palaeolithic age, Mesolithic period, Neolithic stage). Archeology of the Bronze Age and early Iron Age. Archeology of the earliest states of the Mediterranean and Middle East. Archeological studies of ancient monuments.

Balt’s archeology. Slavic archeology. Archeological studies of the Cimmerians, the Scythians, the Sarmatians, the Alan. Archeology of the Ancient Rus.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: historical, logical, chronological, method of systematic analysis.

Forms: lectures, seminars.


1. Credit


History teaching methodology

(3,5 credit points, 137 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to accept peculiarities of origin and development of knowledge in History taking into account the most prominent Historical-cultural writings; to accept the main concept of research when study History, to find out methodology of research in other social sciences.

Competence: to obtain qualities of civic consciousness and tolerance; to be capable for social cooperation; to be capable for interpersonal cooperation; to accept criticism and autocriticism (critical thinking); to obtain basic scientific and theoretical knowledge for further solution of theoretical and practical tasks; to obtain systematic and comparative analysis, interdisciplinary approach to solution of problems, research skills; to be able to work independently; to be able to generate ideas.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

3,5 credit points. 137 academic hours in total, among them - 46 class hours: 34 hours for lectures, 12 hours for seminars; Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Subject point of History teaching methodology. Subject-object relations in History and their peculiarities. Social functions that History implements. Structure of research in History. Stages of research in History. Principles of cognition in History. General scientific and traditional methods of cognition in History. Abilities and perspectives of STEM disciplines instrumentarium in cognition of History.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: historical, logical, chronological, method of systematic analysis


Forms: lectures, seminars

1. Exam

History of ancient civilizations

(6,5 credit points, 290 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to develop a full picture of origin and functioning of early societies and states; to analyze the factors by written sources of information.

Competence: to obtain qualities of civic consciousness and tolerance; to be capable for social cooperation; to be capable for interpersonal cooperation; to accept criticism and autocriticism (critical thinking); to obtain basic scientific and theoretical knowledge for further solution of theoretical and practical tasks; to obtain systematic and comparative analysis, interdisciplinary approach to solution of problems, research skills; to be able to work independently; to be able to generate ideas.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

6,5 credit points. 290 academic hours in total, among them - 130 class hours: 80 hours for lectures, 50 hours for seminars; Final check-up – exam (Semester 1, Semester 2).

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Primitive society. The most ancient Egypt. Early and ancient kingdoms. Egypt in the Middle Kingdom. Egypt in the New Kingdom. Late Egypt. Sumeria and Akkad in ancient times. Assyria and Babylonian Kingdom. Achaemenid’s kingdom. Ancient India. China in Han’s period. Civilization of Crete in Minoans’ period. Achaean Greece. Homeric Greece. Graeco-Persian wars. Golden age of Democratic city state in Athenes in V cent. B.C.

Alexander the Great’s crusades. Hellenistic world after Alexander the Great’s conquest. Imperial Rome. Conquests made by Rome. Hellenistic States and Rome.

Crisis of Roman Republic in the I cent. B.C. Civil wars in the I cent. B.C. and fall of Roman Republic. Claudian’s dynasty. Golden age of Roman Empire in Antotine’s epoch. Crisis in the III cent. Roman Empire at the end of the III cent. – beg. IV cent. Temporary stabilization. Crisis and fall in Western Roman Empire.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: historical, logical, chronological, method of systematic analysis


Forms: lectures, seminars

1. Exam

















Historical Geography

(2,5 credit points, 109 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to accept the main concept of historical and geographical methods when research in History is conducted; to differentiate methodology tools in Historical studies.

Competence: to obtain qualities of civic consciousness and tolerance; to be capable for social cooperation; to be capable for interpersonal cooperation; to accept criticism and autocriticism (critical thinking); to obtain basic scientific and theoretical knowledge for further solution of theoretical and practical tasks; to obtain systematic and comparative analysis, interdisciplinary approach to solution of problems, research skills; to be able to work independently; to be able to generate ideas.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2,5 credit points. 109 academic hours in total, among them - 40 class hours: 20 hours for lectures, 20 hours for seminars; Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Historical Geography as an academic discipline. Historical Geography of the primitive society. Historical Geography of Ancient societies of the East. Ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean world. Historical Geography of the European society in the Middle Ages. Age of Discovery and oecumene’s expansion. Historical Geography of the New Age (Europe and Northern America). Historical Geography of Russia in the XVIII – beg. XX cent. Historical Geography of Contemporary history.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: historical, logical, chronological, method of systematic analysis


Forms: lectures, seminars

1. Exam

Historical demography

(2 credit points, 73 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to acquaint students with historical-demographic methodology of research in History; to differentiate methodology tools in Historical studies.

Competence: to obtain qualities of civic consciousness and tolerance; to be capable for social cooperation; to be capable for interpersonal cooperation; to accept criticism and autocriticism (critical thinking); to obtain basic scientific and theoretical knowledge for further solution of theoretical and practical tasks; to obtain systematic and comparative analysis, interdisciplinary approach to solution of problems, research skills; to be able to work independently; to be able to generate ideas.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 73 academic hours in total, among them - 40 class hours: 20 hours for lectures, 20 hours for seminars; Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Demography as a science. Historical demography in the system of social sciences. Establishment of Historical demography. Demography of primitive society. Demography of the ancient world. Demography of the Middle Ages. Demography of the Modern age. Basic directions of Modern democratic development. Demographic sciences and modernity.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: historical, logical, chronological, method of systematic analysis


Forms: lectures, seminars

1. Credit


Topical issues of modern study of antiquity

(0,5 credit points, 18 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to acquaint students with the main directions in scientific studies of some sections in the study of antiquity.

Competence: to obtain qualities of civic consciousness and tolerance; to be capable for social cooperation; to be capable for interpersonal cooperation; to accept criticism and autocriticism (critical thinking); to obtain basic scientific and theoretical knowledge for further solution of theoretical and practical tasks; to obtain systematic and comparative analysis, interdisciplinary approach to solution of problems, research skills; to be able to work independently; to be able to generate ideas.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

0,5 credit points. 18 academic hours in total, among them - 10 class hours: 6 hours for lectures, 4 hours for seminars; Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Modern study of antique: study of Rome political culture. Organizational conditions and scientific schools in modern antique studies. Modern antique studies: “Roman meritocracy” and its concept. Antique studies and modernity. Conditions and perspectives of antique knowledge maintenance.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: historical, logical, chronological, method of systematic analysis


Forms: lectures, seminars

1. Credit


(3 credit points, 112 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to acquire knowledge about the system of philosophic idea as an integral part of the world culture.

Competence: to obtain qualities of civic consciousness and tolerance; to be capable for social cooperation; to be capable for interpersonal cooperation; to accept criticism and autocriticism (critical thinking); to obtain basic scientific and theoretical knowledge for further solution of theoretical and practical tasks; to obtain systematic and comparative analysis, interdisciplinary approach to solution of problems, research skills; to be able to work independently; to be able to generate ideas.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

3 credit points. 112 academic hours in total, among them - 42 class hours: 22 hours for lectures, 20 hours for seminars; Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Philosophy as a cultural phenomenon. Structure of philosophic knowledge. Philosophic problematic issues. Historical forms of Philosophy. Metaphysics and Ontology as a basic strategy of Philosophic cognition. Genesis and cognition as a philosophic issue. Gnoseology. Philosophy as a science. Prospects for the development of philosophic knowledge.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: philosophic reflection, historical, logical, method of a system-oriented analysis.


Form: lectures, seminars.


1. Exam.


Philosophy and Methodology of Science

(240 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 2nd degree.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to acquaint with the system of philosophic knowledge as a methodological basis of modern scientific knowledge.

Competence: to obtain qualities of civic consciousness and tolerance; to be capable for social cooperation; to be capable for interpersonal cooperation; to accept criticism and autocriticism (critical thinking); to obtain basic scientific and theoretical knowledge for further solution of theoretical and practical tasks; to obtain systematic and comparative analysis, interdisciplinary approach to solution of problems, research skills; to be able to work independently; to be able to generate ideas.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

240 academic hours in total, among them - 104 class hours: 60 hours for lectures, 44 hours for seminars; Final check-up – Qualifying exam for getting a PhD degree.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Status and mission of Philosophy in public life. Philosophic comprehension of genesis. Nature as a subject for investigation in Philosophy and Scientific cognition. Philosophy of global evolutionism. Position of a person in global evolutionism. Person a subject for investigation in Philosophy. Philosophy of cognition. Specific features of social reality. Fundamental issues of social dynamics. Social development as a civilization process. Philosophy of culture. Science as the most important form of cognition in Modern world. Science and its historical development. Structure and dynamics of scientific cognition. Methodological tools used in Modern science. Dialectical logics as a methodology tool used in scientific cognition. Science as a social institute. Philosophy of Natural science and Technology. Philosophy of social and human perception. Philosophy and methodology of interdisciplinary synthesis.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: philosophic reflection, historical, logical, method of a system-oriented analysis.


Form: lectures, seminars.


1. Qualifying exam for getting a PhD degree.


















History of world culture

(2 credit points, 72 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization “History and Social Sciences”, “Physical Culture. Sport- and teaching activity”, “Service work and decorative art”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to provide students with detailed description of essence, structure, typology of world art, forms of communication, peculiarities of their historical development, means of distribution and social acquisition of norms.

Competence: to develop abilities to social cooperation, interpersonal communication, criticism and autocriticism; to obtain and use basic scientific and theoretical knowledge for further solution of theoretical and practical tasks; to conduct systematic and comparative analysis; to develop skills for research; to be able to create new ideas.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 72 academic hours in total, among them - 34 class hours: 18-22 hours for lectures, 12-16 hours for seminars; Final check-up – credit in Semester 3.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Primitive culture. Culture of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. The ancient world as a cradle of European civilization. Middle-aged culture. Culture of Italian Renaissance. European culture in the XVIIth cent. European culture in the XVIIIth cent. European culture in the IXXth cent. Modernism as a cultural revolution in the bourgeois society. Culture of Belarus as a part of World culture.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: historical, logical, chronological, problem-plagued, synchronistic.


Forms: lectures, seminars


1. Credit

History of social and political thought in Belarus

(3 credit points, 137 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to form holistic comprehension of how social and political thought in Belarus has been developing; peculiarities of Belarusian national thought’s role in the national consciousness of Belarusian society.

Competence: a student is to know fundamentals of social and political theory of the National thought in Belarus; stages of development of social and political thought in Belarus; to analyze their peculiarities and difference of western social and political thought; to be able to characterize social and political role of thought in Belarus.

СЛК-1, СЛК-2, СЛК-3, СЛК-4, СЛК-5; АК-1, АК-2, АК-3, АК-4, АК-5, АК-6, АК-7.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

3 credit points. 137 academic hours in total, among them - 48 class hours: 28 hours for lectures, 20 hours for seminars; Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Introduction in the discipline. Social and political thought of Belarus in the X – XV cent. Social and political thought of Belarus in the Renaissance and the Reformation. Social and political thought of Belarus in the XVI – XVIII cent. Social and political thought of Belarus in the XIX – XX cent. Issues state-building in the Belarusian political thought (1917 - 1953). Social and political thought in Belarus in 1953 – 1991. Social and political thought of Belarus in modern times.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: cognitive, systematizing, communicative; control.

Forms: lectures, seminars.

Tests, reports, essay, colloquium, final test, rating systems to control knowledge, exam.






























History of Philosophy

(3,5 credit points, 164 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to study dynamics of Historical and Philosophic process in cultural, civilizational and humanitarian aspects; to comprehend genesis in the past and at present taking into account knowledge  in Philosophic pursuit.

Competence: a student must know and analyze the following things: conceptual basis of Philosophic studies; basic stages, directions, trends, forms and chronological order in the development of Philosophy; leading philosophic schools and their representatives; to be able to characterize various forms of rhetorical exercises and their interrelation with social and cultural parameters of the society and the meaning of professional activity.

СЛК-1, СЛК-2, СЛК-3, СЛК-4, СЛК-5; АК-1, АК-2, АК-4, АК-5, АК-6, АК-7.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

3,5 credit points. 164 academic hours in total, among them - 72 class hours: 50 hours for lectures, 22 hours for seminars; Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


History of Philosophy, its tasks and goals. Philosophy of the Ancient East. Antique Philosophy. Philosophy of the Middle Ages. Philosophy of the Renaissance. Philosophy of the Modern age. Philosophy of the Enlightenment. German classical Philosophy. Non-classical western Philosophy. Philosophy of Marxism. Post-classical Philosophy. Philosoophy of Post-Modernism. Religious Philosophy in the context of the Modern culture. Russian philosophic thought. Development of the national philosophic thought.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: cognitive, systematizing, communicative; control.

Forms: lectures, seminars.

Tests, reports, essay, colloquium, final test, rating systems to control knowledge, exam.



























Compulsory subject “Political Sciences” in the compulsory module “Political Sciences”

(2-3 credit points, 72 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization in Pedagogics: a) Pedagogics; b) Pedagogics. Vocational training; c) Natural sciences; d) Social protection.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to form modern integrative outlook of the world, which is based on humanistic ideas and scientific principles; to form social-oriented values; to form sustainable political choice in culture; to form solid basis of political knowledge taking into account achievements of the world and national political thought; to think creatively, critically, with due regard to science and to develop the skills for thinking; to provide a student with meaningful thinking.

Competence: a student must know basic political categories and analytical approaches to political events that are happening in the modern world and in the Republic of Belarus; to study the specific features of formation and functioning of the political system in the Republic of Belarus.

СЛК-1, СЛК-2, СЛК-3, СЛК-4, СЛК-5, АК-1, АК-2, АК-3, АК-4, АК-5, АК-6, АК-7.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2-3 credit points. 72 academic hours in total, among them - 18 class hours: 10 hours for lectures, 8 hours for seminars; Final check-up – credit/ exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Introduction into the compulsory module “Political Sciences”. Theory of Politics, History and Methodology of Political Sciences. Political institutes in the Republic of Belarus and in Modern world. Political processes in the Republic of Belarus and in Modern world. International political affairs and foreign politics of the states.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: cognitive, systematizing, communicative, control.

Forms: lectures, seminars.

Tests, reports, essay, colloquium, final test, rating systems to control knowledge, credit, exam.
































(2 credit points, 81 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization in “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to form a comprehensive conception of essence, construction, category, forms and peculiarities of myth historical development and development of myth as an academic discipline.

Competence: a student must know theoretical fundamentals of mythology, basic notions and categories of mythology, to find out the role of myth in the development of human culture; to be able to analyze the meaning of myth when forms of culture and human world view are studied; to acquaint students with modern forms of myth, national myth, influence of mythology on literature, art of the nations the Belarusians included.

СЛК-1, СЛК-2, СЛК-3, СЛК-4, СЛК-5; АК-1, АК-2, АК-3, АК-4, АК-5, АК-6, АК-7.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 81 academic hours in total, among them - 26 class hours: 16 hours for lectures,10 hours for seminars; Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Mythology as an academic discipline. Myth as a cultural form. Mythology of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia. Mythology of Ancient Israel. Mythology of India. Buddhism. Mythology of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. German-Scandinavian Mythology. Slavic Mythology.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: cognitive, systematizing, controlling.

Forms: lectures, seminars.

Tests, reports, essay, colloquium, final test, rating systems to control knowledge, exam.


Study of Religion

(5,5 credit points, 58-165 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization in “History and Social Sciences”, “Russian and Russian Literature. Foreign Language (English)”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to form social-personal competence which will allow providing students with personal self-determination in the field of social cultural phenomena of religions, freethinking, the freedom of conscience.

Competence: a student must know and analyze the following items: key approaches to the essence of religion and religious phenomena, stages of evolutions of religious traditions; to discover tendencies in secularism; to acquaint with peculiarities of learning and activity of religious movements; to find out typological peculiarities of historical traditions of Belarus; to single out rules and regulations of traditional religions in Belarus; to determine principles and legislative fundamentals of the freedom of conscience in modern Belarusian society.

Social-personal competence: СЛК-1; СЛК-2; СЛК-3; СЛК-4; СЛК-5. 

Academic competence: АК-1; АК-2; АК-3; АК-4; АК-5; АК-6; АК-7.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

5,5 credit points. 58/164 academic hours in total, among them – 34/72 class hours: 16/40 hours for lectures, 18/32 hours for seminars; Final check-up – credit/exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Fundamentals of Religious theory. Archaic cultures and religions in the Ancient world. Judaism. Christianity. Islam. Buddhism. National religions in India. National religions in China and India. Neocultures.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: cognitive, systematizing, communicative, controlling.

Forms: lectures, seminars.

Tests, reports, essay, colloquium, final test, rating systems to control knowledge, credit, exam.



Compulsory subject «Economic theory» included into compulsory module « Economics»

(4 credit points, 82 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization in Education: A) Pedagogics; B) Pedagogics; C) Vocational training; G) Natural sciences; M) Social protection.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to form fundamental economic knowledge while studying world and national economics and the achievements in this field; to teach students how to analyze the state and tendencies for social and economic development in the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries; to find out specific features of social and economic relations and processes; to make the studies practice-oriented, it will allow to obtain knowledge useful for further professional activity and any other field included social and economic sector.

Competence: a student must know fundamental notions of economics and its categories; peculiarities of economic processes in the Republic of Belarus, basic economic aims of Belarusian society; fundamentals of

Business units behavior; mechanisms of economics policyмеханизмы экономической полит; to analyze economic processes in the Republic of Belarus and abroad.

Social and personal competence: СЛК-1, СЛК-2,СЛК-3, СЛК-4, СЛК-5.

Academic competence: АК-, АК-2, АК-3, АК-4,АК-5, АК-6, АК-7.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

4 credit points. 82 academic hours in total, among them – 42 class hours: 22 hours for lectures, 20 hours for seminars; Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Economic theory: subject and methodology. Needs and resources. Problem of choice in Economics. Economic systems. Market-oriented economy and models. Demand, supply and market balance. Demand elasticity. Peculiarities of behavior in market-oriented economics. Factors markets. Macroeconomic policy. Upturn in economic cycle. Modern world economy.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: cognitive, systematizing, communicative, controlling.

Forms: lectures, seminars.

Tests, reports, essay, colloquium, final test, rating systems to control knowledge, credit, exam.


























Compulsory subject «Social science» included into compulsory module «Economics»

(4 credit points, 60 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization in Education: A) Pedagogics; B) Pedagogics. Vocational training; G) Natural sciences; M) Social protection.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to form ideas over social knowleadge of world wide achievements and national social thought development; to form skills for analyzing of state and tendencies of social-economic development of the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries; to find out the peculiarities of social-economic relations in the Republic of Belarus; to orient the knowledge of students and their professional activity to the development of social and economic activities.

Competence: a students must know basic social notions and categories, tendencies and peculiarities of social and social-cultural politics in the Republic of Belarus, to study peculiarities of social communities in Belarus; to study empirical social investigations.

Social and personal competence: СЛК-1, СЛК-2, СЛК-3, СЛК-4, СЛК-5.

Academic competence: АК-1, АК-2, АК-3, АК-4, АК-5, АК-6, АК-7.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 60 academic hours in total, among them – 18 class hours: 12 hours for lectures, 6 hours for seminars; Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

System features of societies. Social structure and stratification. Social dynamics of the society and culture. Family as a social institute and social group. Social-demographic situation in Belarus. Religion as a social phenomenon. Religious situation in Belarus. Abilities for empiric sociological research of the research in the society.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: cognitive, systematizing, communicative, controlling.

Forms: lectures, seminars.

Tests, reports, essay, colloquium, final test, rating systems to control knowledge, credit, exam.



Sociology of a person

(2 credit points, 72 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization in “Preschool education”, “Elementary education”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to form various ideas about human capability, personal civil and professional qualities.

Competence: a student must know specific features of sociology of a person, because it is a branch discipline in sociology, the subject, functions, stages of development; to study scientific definition for personality, theoretical concepts of social and spiritual structure; mechanisms of personal socialization, characteristics for its structural and role-based set; social aspects that determine behavior of a person and status; basic types of social activity; reasons for deviant behavior.

Social-personal competence: СЛК-1, СЛК-2, СЛК-3, СЛК-4, СЛК-5.

Academic competence: АК-1, АК-2, АК-3, АК-4, АК-5, АК-6, АК-7.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 72 academic hours in total, among them – 34 class hours: 20 hours for lectures, 12 hours for seminars; independent work of students – 2 hours. Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Subject and functions of sociology of a person. Methodology and methods of research when personality is investigated. Social roles, social status, social directions of a person. Basic forms of values and personal orientations. Topical issues of consciousness and unconscious. Spiritual structure of personality. Social environment of person’s creation and activity. Structure, essence and forms of person’s socialization. Social acts. Dispositional theory of personality. Qualitative variety of social behavior. Contravention of social norms.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: cognitive, systematizing, communicative, controlling.

Forms: lectures, seminars.

Tests, reports, essays, credit.
























Social Sciences Teaching Methodology

(4,5 credit points, 144 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is an optional component (University component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization in “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to form professional way of thinking and emotional and value-based attitude to pedagogical activity; to form a skills for social sciences teaching methodology.

Competence: a student must know the basic stages of social education and basic directions for study which correlate with the concept for social and humanitarian education at secondary schools in the Republic of Belarus; to obtain the tasks, aims, the way of structure and key problems, peculiarities of the content and methodology of teaching at school; to get to know about the peculiarities and teaching methodology of academic discipline “Social sciences”.

Social and personal competence:СЛК-1, СЛК-2, СЛК-3, СЛК-4, СЛК-5.

Academic competence: АК-1, АК-2, АК-3, .АК-4, АК-5, АК-6, АК-7.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

4,5 credit points. 144 academic hours in total, among them – 58 class hours: 30 hours for lectures, 28 hours for seminars. Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


General characteristics of the aims, purposes and peculiarities of school academic discipline “Social sciences”. Methodological principles of choice and design of academic discipline “Social sciences”. Methodology means and tools of social sciences studies. Implementation of intersubject and intrasubject connections when study Social sciences. Lesson of Social sciences at modern school. Forms of lessons in Social Sciences at school. Training of a teacher who will teach Social sciences.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: cognitive, systematizing, communicative, controlling.

Forms: lectures, seminars.

тесты, рефераты, коллоквиум, контрольный срез, оценка по рейтинговой системе, экзамен.



Tests, reports, colloquium, final test, rating systems to control knowledge, credit, exam.



History of the East Slavs (Russia and Ukraine)

(11,5 credit points, 448 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization in “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to form the idea about the East (orthodox) civilization as an open, dynamic, entire system;

to determine the history of Russia and Ukraine as a unified process; to develop an overview about modern research in History of the East Slavs; to develop conception about modern research in History of the East Slavs; to develop principles of civic consciousness and community spirit; to develop professional and moral potential.

Competence: to obtain qualities of civic consciousness, to capable for interpersonal communication, to accept criticism and autocriticism (critical thinking); to work in a team; to study; to enhance professional knowleadge; to obtain basic scientific and theoretical knowledge for further solution of theoretical and practical tasks; to obtain systematic and comparative analysis, interdisciplinary approach to solution of problems, research skills; to know and use various forms of training process taking into account the analysis of the development of international relations; to choose appropriate tendencies for state development.


Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

11,5 credit points. 448 academic hours in total, among them – 200 class hours: 102 hours for lectures, 98 hours for seminars. Final check-up – credit, exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Section I. Ancient Rus.

Section II. Период империи.

Section III. Россия и Украина в XX –  XXI вв.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: historical and problem-plagued,

historical and comparative, synchronistic, chronological, retrospective.

Forms: lectures, seminars.

  1. 1.Credit
  2. 2.Exam


Regional study and ethnology of Belarus

(4,5 credit points, 159 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization in “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to train prospective teachers of History to apply to regional studies; to apply to regional studies when conduct study and training process; to acquaint the students with historical and cultural heritage of Belarus; to know methodology of preservation and use; to deliver patriotic upbringing of students; to form solicitous attitude to historical and cultural values.

Competence: to obtain qualities of civic consciousness; to be capable for interpersonal cooperation; to be capable for social cooperation; to accept criticism and autocriticism (critical thinking); to work in a team; to study and enhance professionalism all life long; to obtain basic scientific and theoretical knowledge for further solution of theoretical and practical tasks; to obtain systematic and comparative analysis, interdisciplinary approach to solution of problems; to know and use various forms for training process arrangement.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

4,5 credit points. 159 academic hours in total, among them – 72 class hours: 34 hours for lectures, 38 hours for seminars. Final check-up – credit, exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Section I. Ethnology of Belarus.

Section II. Regional study of Belarus.


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: historical and problem-plagued,

historical and comparative, synchronistic, chronological, retrospective.

Forms: lectures, seminars.

  1. 1.Credit
  2. 2.Exam


Auxiliary sciences of history

(4 credit points, 166 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree on specialization in “History and Social Sciences”.

Aim, tasks, Competence

Aim: to train students how to study History of states and societies according to methods and tools of other historical disciplines.

Competence: to obtain qualities of civic consciousness; to be capable for interpersonal cooperation; to be capable for social cooperation; to accept criticism and autocriticism (critical thinking); to work in a team; to study and enhance professionalism all life long; to obtain basic scientific and theoretical knowledge for further solution of theoretical and practical tasks; to obtain systematic and comparative analysis, interdisciplinary approach to solution of problems; to know and use various forms for training process arrangement.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

4 credit points. 166 academic hours in total, among them – 80 class hours: 50 hours for lectures, 30 hours for seminars. Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Intoductory part. Palaeography. Handwriting material and tools. Numismatics of Belarus. Bonistics. Sphragistics. Chronology. Metrology. Genealogy. Heraldry. Smooth-leaved elm studies. Iconography. Weapon studies. Cartography. Onomastics. Toponymy. Ethnonymics. Anthroponimics.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: historical and problem-plagued,

historical and comparative, synchronistic, chronological, retrospective.

Forms: lectures, seminars.

  1. 1.Exam.


Additional information