

On May 7, 2012 University’s select team competed in athletics (Republic Student Games 2012, Minsk) and won the 3rd prize.

On May 11, 2003 Theoretical Engineering Chair was reorganized into Chair of Agro Engineering and Methods of Teaching of Agro Engineering Disciplines (Rector’s Decree No. 160-k).

On May 17, 1993 in order to intensify the quality of scientific research at MSPU named after I.P.Shamyakin Science and Research Sector was opened.

On May 23, 2008 Social – Pedagogical and Psychological Service Center was opened at MSPU named after I.P.Shamyakin.

On May 4, 2011 under the auspices of Ideology Center in conjunction with Mozyr District Organization “Belorussian Red Cross Society” Workshop on Cooperation of State Establishments of Education and NonState Organizations in the field of Prevention of Human Traffic. Results and Perspectives of Volunteer Movement in Mozyr District was held.

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