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Year of Culture


2016 was proclaimed as the Year of Culture in Belarus. On December 28, 2015 Alexander Lukashenko signed Executive Order No. 522 “About the year of culture”. The order was adopted to unite intellectual and spiritual strength of the society aiming to solution of social and economical tasks, preservation of historical and cultural heritage, maintenance of national traditions, fostering an attitude of care towards the Motherland, support for creative initiative.


CIS Youth: Vector to Integration

On December 18, 2015 International Scientific Symposium “CIS Youth: Vector to Integration” was held at the premises of Non-Governmental Education Institution of Higher Professional Education INTERREGIONAL INSTITUTE OF ECONOMICS AND LAW (NOU MIEP), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.


New Year's festivities at State Educational Establishment “Mozyr District Center of Correctional and Developmental Teaching and Rehabilitation”

On December 21, 2015 New Year festivities were held at the premises of State Educational Establishment “Mozyr District Center of Correctional and Developmental Teaching and Rehabilitation”.


Personal Enhancement under Conditions of Deprivation: Pressing Social and Psychological Issue


Deprivation is a term widely used in psychology, medicine and education. It means “not having something obtaining unsatisfied personal wants or needs”. In that vein it is important to determine children’s disorders based on deprivation (i.e. it puts brakes on emotional and intellectual enhancement of a child in virtue of social and sensitive impetus loss).


Studentships of the Presidential Sport Club!

pr-sportkiubOn December 16, 2015 10th Registered Certificate Delivery Ceremony was held in the Hall of Fame of the National Olympic Committee in Minsk. 204 advanced sportsmen, paralympians and coaches-teachers were nominated. 8 students represented the educational establishment “Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P.Shamyakin” (Physical Education Department)!


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