CIS Youth: Vector to Integration

CIS Youth: Vector to Integration

On December 18, 2015 International Scientific Symposium “CIS Youth: Vector to Integration” was held at the premises of Non-Governmental Education Institution of Higher Professional Education INTERREGIONAL INSTITUTE OF ECONOMICS AND LAW (NOU MIEP), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.

On December 18, 2015 International Scientific Symposium “CIS Youth: Vector to Integration” was held at the premises of Non-Governmental Education Institution of Higher Professional Education INTERREGIONAL INSTITUTE OF ECONOMICS AND LAW (NOU MIEP), St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. 

Anna Yudenkova (Chief of Post Graduate Center, Chairman of Young Scientists Council) and Svetlana Matveeva (Chief of Educational Work with Youth Department) took part in the symposium.

Dr. Irlan Zh. Iskakov, Professor, Rector of NOU MIEP, opened the welcome ceremony and paid compliments to all the participants and guests. Alexander Surygin, Chief of Expert and Analytics Department, lectured on History, structure and MIEP focal areas.

Anna Yudenkova gave a report on “Russian Studies Center as the Basis of CIS Integrative Cooperation of Universities”. Svetlana Matveeva took part in the discussion and enactment of Youth Integrative Club “Community”.

After the plenary meeting 3 sections were opened: “Integrative Processes in Commonwealth of Independent States: Economical, Political and Legal Aspects”, “Ways to Profession”, “Meeting of Arts as a Factor of Integrative Processes in CIS”.

Participants got a lucky chance to visit the following workshops: “No - Paintbrush Drawing”, “Visual Art - Graphics”, “Baking Enamel”, “Plaster Medallion Cast” and Photo Show “Necklace of Community”.

At the end of the symposium a round-table discussion was organized by Marina Spirina, Pro-Rector for Research, and Tatsiana Orlova, Pro-Rector of Academic Affairs. Participants from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tadjikistan shared their opinions on how to organize and improve research activity in the university, student self-administration, student clubs and movements and how to cooperate under Youth Integrative Club “Community”. 

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