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The hits of the 80s and 90s



On October, 25 the competition of vocal mastery “The hits of the 80s and 90s” was conducted in the university, in which the students of all departments took part.

The contestants showed a good level of preparations and demonstrated their vocal and creative abilities. The audience got a great deal of positive emotions.

The contestants’ performances were estimated by a competent jury: E.S. Astreiko (the head of a Department of Educational Work with the Youth), V.V. Strukov (the head of a Student’s Local Trade Union committee), N.N. Danchenko (cultural organizer), and E. V. Zhmur (cultural organizer).

The winners were awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes from the student’s local trade union committee:

The 1st place-Yulia Mironovich (language and literature department)

The 2nd place-Valentina Naumenko (biological department)

The 3rd place-Tatyana Prokopenko (language and literature department)

Congratulations to the winners of the Olympiad

medaliOn 18-19 October 2012, Ural State Pedagogical University (Yekaterinburg, Russia) conducted All-Russian Olympiad on elementary and higher mathematics with the international participation of students of  pedagogical universities. The winners of the Olympiad on higher mathematics became students of Physico-Mathematical Faculty of “Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P. Shamyakin”:  the 1st place-Olga Veko, the 2nd place- Alexey Logvin, the 3rd  place-Vasiliy Petrushenko.


International scientific conference

q      The event was under support of Belorussian Ministry of Education.

      Belarus contributed to the exchange of scientific information and pedagogical experience, new educational technologies, methods and ideas in the field of physical culture, sports and tourism. The participants of the conference were from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, and Moldova.


University opens new specialities




The University got the permission of the Minister of Education for the opening of training for the professions included in the National Classifier OKRB 011-2009 "Specialities and qualifications":



1 - 02 01 01 "History and social science disciplines"

1 – 02 04 01 "Biology and Chemistry"

1 - 02 06 01"Technical work and entrepreneurship"

1 - 02 06 02 "Service labor and entrepreneurship"

1 - 02 06 04 "Service labor and fine arts"

1 - 31 01 01 - 02 "Biology (scientific and practical activities)."

Additional information