Introductory activities: "Associations", "Guess your profession", "Alien trainees", "Vacancies", "Novichok - mentor", "Factory";

Trial introductions: "Associations", "Guess the profession", "Alien trainees", "Vacancies", "Novichok - mentor", "Factory";

Games where decision making and behavioral skills were practiced: "Professional Consultation", "Admissions Committee", "Five Steps", "Counselor".

Types of career guidance games (by Pryazhnikov N.S.):

Table-based guidance games ("Or-Ili", "Business garbage", "Country of the rich and smart", "Psychobusiness", etc.);

Card and blank career guidance games (Compliment, Sudar - Tsar, Medovorot, Purchase and Sale, Trading, etc.);

Discussion games ("Sleeping City", "Employee's Wages", "Freedom, Responsibility, Justice", "Lucky", etc.)

Violetta Alexandrovna Chernysheva, Deputy Director for Educational Work of the State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 8 in Borisov" presented her report on methodology of information and game technologies where much attention was paid to improving the efficiency of vocational guidance in educational institutions.

Tamara Viktorovna Borodich, a teacher and psychologist at “Secondary School No. 2 in Uzda” described her experience on use of interactive games and exercises in the practice of career guidance work of a teacher-psychologist.

L.A. Stepanovich, Head of the resource center of the State Educational Institution "Secondary School № 1 in Old Roads named after the Hero of the Soviet Union F.F.Kulikov", spoke about vocational guidance and quest-games as one of the effective forms of vocational guidance work with students.

The role of the resource center in the professional development of students was assigned to Raisa Arkadievna Derugo, Deputy Director for Educational Work of the State Educational Institution "Secondary School №1 in Vileika".

Oksana Mikhaylovna Esmana, a teacher-psychologist of the State Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 3 in Soligorsk", spoke on the topic "Application of coaching technologies in vocational guidance work with students".

The main stages of the career guidance game:

Preparation stage (development of a game plan (scenario), preparation of handouts).

Game stage (introduction to the game (rules, regulations, instructions); game activity (group work on the task, group performance); analysis and generalization stage).

Exit from the game (reflexion, conclusions and generalizations).

At the end of the seminar, all the participants noticed that the game technologies allow:

to activate students and form interest to solve the problems of the professional self-determination;

to develop the ability of teenagers to build their professional plans independently and consciously;

to get acquainted with the modern professions;

to develop communicative abilities and personal qualities;

to present vocational guidance material in a visual form which contributes to its better understanding and memorization;

to change the stereotypes that participants have towards different professions.





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