
Since 1948 World Health Day has celebrated on April 07. In honor of this day MSPU named after I.P.Shamyakin has held a volunteer center “Do good” where the activity of volunteer student groups are coordinated. Healthy life style is a direction the center is responsible for. This year campaign was devoted to Stress preventive measures. People of any age could suffer from depression. It could affect any sphere of human life. The causes could reflect on people’s everyday routine.

On April 09, 2018 MSPU volunteer groups presented their projects. Students from Physical Education Department reminded that no matter how old a person was, it was vitally important to remember about sport.

Arm wrestling is a type of sport where everybody could compete. Students from Technology and Biology Department developed the system of mood indicators which helped to identify how happy all the students were when they came to the university in the morning. Volunteer group from Philology Department created a LIVE-poster “Now and Then”; the students showed the differences in human health condition caused by stress. Students from Physics and Engineering Department arranged a lottery project “Health and Nutrition”. The students wanted to remind other people that good nutrition influenced on good development and it prevented any person from illness. Each participant had to do a series of physical exercises, fill in the application form and get a prize. Students from the Department of Preschool and Elementary Education paid attention of the audience that alcohol, tobacco and surface active agents destroyed human health.

World Health Day is a global campaign which is directed to focusing attention of every single person on Earth that the most valuable thing we have is our Health!

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