On November 09, 2017 Pupils from Mozyr Secondary Schools participated in Pupils’ Research Papers Contest “Pupils and Today’s Ecological Problems” was held at the premises of Technology and Biology Department.

Irina Turbal, Head of Ecology and Biology Department, Mozyr Children Center for Art, welcomed the participants to start the contest.

In the course of Science to Research Conference the reports of pupils from Mozyr and Mozyr district devoted to various and topical issues in Bioecology, Chemistry and Biology were presented.


The panel of judges is: O. Pozuvaylo – Chairman (Dean of Technology and Biology Department), M. Androsova – Head of Methodology Office, Mozyr Children Center for Art, E. Bodyakovskaya – Associate Professor, Chair of Biology and Ecology, L.Bukinevich – Head Teacher, Chair of Biology and Ecology, E.Zasinets – Teacher of Biology, Mozyr High School No. 1.

Maria Vasilevskaya (Mozyr Secondary School No. 9) got the 1st prize, Inna Sarnavskaya (Mozyr High School No. 1) got the 2nd prize

It was important to mention that all the reports were provided with multimedia presentations of high quality. All the participants got great experience in presenting the material, answering the questions and implementing research projects.

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