06-04-1On April 05, 2017 Festive event “Hour of Friendship” was held at the premises of Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P.Shamyakin. Students from Turkmenistan and Belarus participated in the event. Representatives of Mozyr District Executive Committee, Rector of the university, deans, heads of the departments and other staff members got a chance to enjoy the fest.

Valentin Valetov, Rector of the University, opened the fest and paid much attention to the development of the cooperation between Belarus and Turkmenistan. He also said that University administration, members of teaching staff have been created comfortable facilities for fruitful cooperation between Belarusian and Turkmenian students, formed multicultural world view, assisted in friendship confirmation and international understanding.

Turkmenian students were given grateful letters. Parents of Turkmenian students were sent letters where University administration expressed their gratitude to their children upbringing.

At the end of “Hour of friendship” Turkmenian students prepared a concert program and showed the national coloring of their culture.


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