Turkmenistan Association of Fellow-Countrymen

Turkmenistan Association of Fellow-Countrymen

On March 11, 2016 extended meeting of Turkmenistan association of fellow-countrymen was held at the premises of Ideology Center, MSPU named after I.P.Shamyakin. Sergey SchurPro-Rector for Academic Affairs, opened the meeting. Yusup BeshimovChairman of Turkmenistan association of fellow-countrymen, reported on the executed work in 2015 – 2016 academic year, H1. Svetlana MatveevaHead of Youth Department, reported on the executed work and planned educational events. Victoria KorzunChairman of Student Self-Administration, reported on development strategies of student self-administration in MSPU named after I.P.Shamyakin and offered to arrange a social campaign in Social Repair for Children. Elena SchchekaSpecialist, International Affairs Department, reported on what activities and events were held at the premises of the department. Olga LeshchukRepresentative of Migration Service Center, reported on measures devoted to migration legislation maintenance.

Students from Turkmenistan received memorable gifts and diplomas for participation in art contest “Fest-ART.by”, interactive lecture “Vade Mecum”, State exhibition “Edges of Art”.

At the end of the meeting the participants and organizers shared their opinions on the event and made proposals of how to improve and enhance the life of Turkmenian students.


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