Workshop at Physics and Engineering Department

Workshop at Physics and Engineering Department

On February 11, 2016 administration and leading scientists of Physics and Engineering Department organized a workshop for 10th form pupils. Guests got a lucky chance to acquaint themselves with new specialities, meet teaching personnel and visit laboratories and classrooms.

Inessa Kovalchuck, Dean of Physics and Engineering Department, reported on Specialities – 2016, training peculiarities and perspectives. Professor Shepelevich reported on scientific areas of Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics Chair, involvement of students into science and research, developing strategies in PhD candidates in Physics training. Professor Savenko reported on innovative solutions of P&ED students i.e. “Modeling of Physical Processes while experimenting at school”, “Peculiarities of non-standard tasks in Physics”. Nikolay Egorov, PhD in Physics and Mathematics, put in touch with IT-equipment laboratories and showed students’ projects in IT, Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy and some video tutorials (“Specular reflection”, “Self-sustained discharge”, “Light rays in telescope”, “Logarithmic and Exponential Functions”).

Pupils were impressed by advanced experience of scientists and expressed gratitude towards the inviters of the workshop.


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