Department of Advanced Training and Staff Retraining. Interview with the Attendees
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- Published on Monday, 12 January 2015 11:55
Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P.Shamyakin makes an opportunity to get extended education. At the Department of Advanced Training and Staff Retraining high-demand programmes of retraining at the higher educational level are fulfilled.
Retraining programmes include:
- Practical Psychology
- Software of IT Systems
- Logopedia (Speech and Language Pathology)
- Accounting and Control in Industry
Greater part of attendees is undergraduates of our University. We got interested why they decided to start extended education and whether it’s difficult to study alongside employment.
NATALIA PETRACHENKO, Attendee, Group Pois – 14, Software of IT Systems
What is the main reason for you to get extended education?
Career – guidance is a question of present interest even if you are a next-to-last year student. Unexpectedly I got to know that my Alma Mater offers its students to get additional profession! I couldn’t lose such a great opportunity: at the present time information technology is an essential part of modern society, education system and life in general. I dare become a programmer! My friends and relatives said: “You are a philologist. You are not good enough for that!” However, one year has passed away and now I’m developing a web-site throughout the term project.
What do you like most?
I’m extremely impressed by the teachers and their professionalism. They know how to present information. I like them all, because they are not so strict and not so loyal. It's quite the thing! The teachers understand the specific features of “adult” training. We need knowledge, not the theory! The enthusiasm of the teachers excites general admiration. Here I met interesting people and enriched the bundle of my knowledge. Moreover, I’ve adopted my teachers’ style of training and applied it into my own teacher's work.
How do you combine full-time and evening education?
I easily combine family life, full-time and evening education. It’s easy to get everything done when you have a wish to study and to explore something new. I do not regret that I’ve started the course of IT, because it’s a unique possibility to broaden my mind and develop my skills.
OLGA BORISEVICH, Attendee, Group PP – 14, Practical Psychology
I’ve always been interested in psychology, because this science is a key to people’s mind; it helps to understand why a person makes this or that decision and identify what factors influence on human behavior. Luckily I got to know that there was a great opportunity to start extended education at my University. Now I am an attendee at the Department of Advanced Training and Staff Retraining, speciality “Practical Psychology”.
Undoubtedly, it’s a difficult thing to arrange my daily routine and be on time for classes in the morning and seminars in the evening.
To tell the truth, I haven’t been out of conceit with my studies. If someone asks me a question: “Do you want to give up?” I’ll give a definite answer: “No, I don’t”.
KONSTANTIN RUDENKO, Attendee, Group BU – 14, Accounting and Control in Industry
Being a 5th year student at Engineering and Pedagogics Department I decided to get a degree in “Accounting and Control in Industry”. I’m getting Higher education at Teachers’ Training University and I also wish to build a career in business. To become a successful businessman, a person needs to get knowledge in economics. Studying at the Department of Advanced Training and Staff Retraining gives a great possibility to expand my perspectives and open up new opportunities.
OLGA YUSUPOVA, Attendee, Group PP-14, Practical Psychology
Practical psychology career is becoming more and more popular these days. Psychological competence helps to get a degree and offers an opportunity to manifest yourself in numerous aspects of life. Psychology studies behavior and mental processes of humans. In this respect you may become a researcher, a teacher, a psychognosis specialist or just help people to be happier and more successful.
Studying at two departments is easy, because I know how to divide time between classes. Thus, my high motivation helps to improve the quality of my life, to raise my professional level and develop my skills.
YUSLAM JUMADURDIEV, Attendee, Group Pois – 14, Software of IT Systems
I decided to get this degree, because I’ve always been keen on everything about IT since my childhood. It’s fascinating and interesting. I like this speciality, its specificity and development. It’s a little bit difficult to combine because of homework and self-study. However, I’m not going to give up.
KSENIA KOROL, Attendee, Group PP-14, Practical Psychology
When I decided to study at the Department of Advanced Training and Staff Retraining, I pursued some other aims and didn’t evaluate the intensity of the educational process. It’s rather difficult to combine full-time and evening training. I’ve already been studying for half a year and I do not regret that I’ve chosen this speciality. I’m absolutely sure that the knowledge I’m getting here helps to form my personality and solve my personal problems.
VLADIMIR MASHKOVSKY, Attendee, Group PP-14, Practical Psychology
My name is Vladimir. I’ve been studying at the Department of Advanced Training and Staff Retraining since February 2014. I graduated from MSPU named after I.P.Shamyakin in 2001. I decided to get an additional degree, because it’s high time to give answers to complicated questions in my life.
Self-training is not always efficient, because the knowledge you get is not deep enough. The Department of Advanced Training and Staff Retraining creates new opportunities for me: communication, knowledge, practice, perspectives. That’s my aim! It’s difficult to study alongside employment but personal motivation is a determining factor!