- Подробности
- Опубликовано 18.10.2024 09:09
Every person should certainly know the history of his small motherland. It is rich in its traditions and is of great importance in education of patriotism and love to the land.
Within the framework of the local history project ‘Archaeological and ethnographic monuments of the region’ the senior lecturer of the Department of History and Social Sciences Z. S. Varnava and librarian O. G. Gubkina introduced the first-year students to the history literature available in the library's collections, electronic full-text database of own generation ‘Radzimaznaustva: Mazyrshchyna’.
Knowledge of one's spiritual roots contributes to the formation of both civic and patriotic qualities.
During three hours of practical training students got acquainted with the rich and original heritage of our region, studied its role in the history of Slavic, European and world community.