Regional socio-patriotic action «Winners Parade»
- Падрабязнасці
- Апублікавана 24.09.2013 11:07
The concept of regional social-patriotic action "WinnersParade"
Gomel region makes preparations to greeting the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders and the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.
Traditionally, the main participants of celebrations are the veterans of the Great Patriotic War. Unfortunately, the number of the Second World solders is decreasingfrom year to year. Many of them are not able to take an active part in the celebrations because of the poor state of health.
But the festival can’t be held without its heroes. War year photos of the winners could become the main attribute of the event.
On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from Nazi invaders and the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War Gomel Region Executive Committee together with the regional organizations Regional Public Organization "BelayaRus", " Youth Union of the Republicof Belarus " and the “Belarusian Public Association of Veterans” hold regional social-patriotic action "Winnersparade"
1. Goals and objectives of the campaign:
• Formation of civic consciousness and patriotism among the residents of the region;
• Promotion of respect for the history, for the heroic past of the country andfor theheroic deeds of the veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
• Development of an active life position;
• Ensuring of intergenerational continuity
2.Campaign coordinators:
Ideology departments of the executive committees.
3.The participants:
The citizens of Gomel region as well as the relatives of the soldiers who took part in the liberation of Gomel settlements from l Nazis living in other regions of the Republic of Belarus and abroad are Invited to participate in the event.
4.The main content of the action:
Special columns which contain information about the Concept of the event, aboutthe progress of the campaign "Winners Parade" and other relevant information have been designed on the official websites of executive committees and in the state regional mass mediaoutlets.
Executive committees independently determine the form of the action by organizing:
- in educational institutions - search and research work together with the parent community to study the history of the Great Victory through the study of family archives "My family - my people";
- in the work collectives - creation of thematic folders, albums with biographies and photographs of the veterans of the World War II who had previously worked in the organizations;
- competitions for the best presentation of the materials of the action "Winners Parade";
- festive processions with the photos of the participants of the fighting. Such forms of images as large badges and banners are also acceptable;
- themed activities for pupils and students ("My great-grandfather liberated homeland," "The Great Victory in the history of my family," etc.), meeting with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, scientific conferences, round tables, seminars, talk shows, etc.;
- art festivals, forums, concerts, youth events, etc.;
- educational games and competitions;
- sports events;
- traveling exhibitions of photo collections, documentary photo exhibitions, etc.;
- creation of videos "Interview with a veteran of the Great Patriotic War", a virtual galleries (such as "History of the Great Victory in the faces of our fellow countrymen");
5. Expected results:
- Creating the conditions for understanding the historical significance of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War and the contribution of Belarusian people and the natives of the Gomel region in the defeat of fascism.
- Forming of the personal relation to the history of the Great Patriotic War
- The development of social activism and creative abilities of children and youth.
- Improving the level of civic and patriotic education of the population.
- Rallying of the representatives of various sectors of society in the process of organizing socially significant cases.