

On October 1, 1975 Preparatory Division was established.

On October 1, 1994 Preparatory Division and Pre-Study Courses were combined, as a result, Pre-University Training and Vocational Orientation Department was founded.

On October 13-14, 2012 on 5th State Open Contest of Child and Youth Creation "Golden Lyre - 2012" Nadezhda Danchenko, cultural event organizer, obtained the 2nd grade diploma and Yulia Mironovich, 3rd year student, obtained a honorary degree diploma, nomination "Sympathy of Jury".

On October 28, 1999 Student Prophylactic Sanatorium was established at MSPI named after N.K.Krupskaya (Rector’s Decree No. 349-k of October 28, 1999).

On October 29, 1979 by Rector’s Decree No. 186-l and complimented by confirmation of staff schedule Academic Sector was renamed as Training Directorate.

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