Catalogue of academic disciplines chair of Belarusian and Russian Philology

Catalogue of academic disciplines chair of Belarusian and Russian Philology


Topical issues of Belarusian Onomastics

(3 credit points, 112 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the programme of the 2nd degree – specialization “Language studies”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get acquainted students with Belarusian proper names, to deepen knowledge on linguistic features of the Belarusian imaginative literature.

Competence: to use basic scientific and theoretical knowledge with the aim to complete theoretical and practical tasks, to apply to scientific and teaching methodology; to implement self-education and enhance professional competence; to use effective methods, forms and means of studies.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

3 credit points. 112 academic hours in total, among them – 34 class hours: 20 hours for lectures, 14 hours for tutorials/ seminars; Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Onomastics as a scientific discipline. Onyms in literature. Onomastics environment of literary text. Types and functions of literary onyms. Specific features of onyms found in the literary and folklore compositions. Art and pictorial peculiarities of names and surnames found in the Belarusian literature. Toponyms as an onomastic element and component. Onyms-pseudonyms as a special peculiarity of onomastic elements. Onym-titles and onym-symbols found in the Belarusian imaginative literature and folklore. Onym as a text-formation and style-creation component used in the imaginative literature.

Methods: research, module studies, project, communicative methods, rating system, individual tasks, academic and methodological tasks.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.

1. Presentations.

2. Reports.

3. Precis-writing.

4. Recitation.






Topical issues of Philology disciplines teaching methodology

(2,5 credit points, 94 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Belarusian language and Belarusian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to train students how to teach the Belarusian language at the secondary schools and other establishments of secondary education.

Competence: to apply to basic scientific and theoretical knowledge to complete theoretical and practical tasks, to apply to methods of scientific and pedagogical research; to be able to implement self-education and enhance professional activity; to apply to the best practice, forms and means of teaching.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2,5 credit points. 94 academic hours in total, among them – 54 class hours: 26/4 hours for lectures/ independent work, 24 hours for tutorials; Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Paralinguistic nonverbal means of a literary text. Belarusian words with no direct equivalents in other languages.

Functional aspects of Phraseology.

Coloristic words in a literary text.

Polysemy and onyms in specialized lexis.

Sententious sayings: special characteristics, basic means of aphoristic processes.

Theoretical thorough understanding of constructive and syntactic complication in Modern Linguistics.

Structural and pragmatic aspects of Syntax in the Belarusian language. Expressivity and means of its strengthening in a poetic text.

Methods: research, module studies, project, communicative methods, rating system, individual tasks, academic and methodological tasks.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.

1. Recitation.

2. Practical tasks.


4. Revision and consolidation tests.

5. Credit.






Topical issues of Russian studies

(8 credit points, 284 academic hours) 

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature. Foreign language (English)”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to apply to philology competence reveal by means of paradigm studies, directions, principles and methods of modern language studies.

Competence: to master academic and social-personal competence; to get professional competence in accordance with “Standards for Education relevant to the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

8 credit points. 248 academic hours in total, among them – 124 class hours: 70 hours for lectures, 52/2 hours for independent work of students, Final check-up – exam, credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Russian studies as a complex science. History and development of Russian studies in home country and abroad. Paradigms of Linguistic knowledge. Anthropocentric paradigm of Modern Russian studies. Problematic issue “Language and world”. Cognitive linguistics. Problematic issue “Language and Culture”. Ethnolinguistics and cultural linguistics. Problematic issue “Language and Society”. Social linguistics. Problematic issue “Language and Speech”. Psychological linguistics, Neurolinguistics, Suggestive Linguistics. Contactological Russian Studies. Contrastive-comparative Russian studies. Topical issues of Lexical studies and Phraseology. Topical issues of Onym studies. Topical issues of Grammar. Linguistics of a text and discourse. Regional linguistics. Linguistics geography. Computer linguistics. Corpus linguistics. Russian National Corpus. Linguistic metaphore studies as a complex discipline. Developmental linguistics. Topical issue “Language and biological sex”. Gender linguistics. Topical issue “Language and Religion”. Linguistic aspects of Religion studies. Topic issue “Language and Law”, “Language and Politics”. Juridical linguistics and Linguistic Political Studies. Topical issue “Languge and the Internet”. Internet linguistics. Linguistic aspects of the language game.



Study and research; problem-module training, projects.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.

1. Recitation. 2. Practical tasks.

3. Intermediate tests.

4. Revision and consolidation tests.

5. Credit.

6. Exam.





Alternatives in communication

(1,5 credit points, 62 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form the system of knowledge regarding alternatives in communication.

Competence: to master academic and social-personal competence; to get professional competence in accordance with “Standards for Education relevant to the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

1,5 credit points. 62 academic hours in total, among them – 34 class hours: 18 hours for lectures, 12 hours for tutorials, 4 hours for laboratory practicals, Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

1. General issues of the discipline «Fundamentals of Semiotics».

2. Semiotic and psychological issues.

3. Introduction into the subject area “Additional and alternative communication”.

4. Diagnostics of communicative behavior of people with special needs.

5. Means of additional and alternative communication.

6. Teaching and diagnostic medium for additional and alternative communication.

7. Alternative system for teaching of communication “PECS”.


Study and research; problem-module training, projects.

Forms: lectures, tutorials, laboratory practicals.

1. Recitation. 2. Practical tasks.

3. Intermediate tests.

4. Revision and consolidation tests.

5. Credit.






Belarusian linguistic and regional study data

(0 credit points, 27 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “Elementary education”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to reveal the connection between language units and culture, History, way of life through the studies of onyms; to get acquainted students with basic ethnic and national peculiarities of the society where the students grew up; to get fundamental facts, standards and values of the national culture, language and human mentality.

Competence: to apply to basic scientific and theoretical knowledge with the aim to solve theoretical and practical tasks; to accept the methodology of scientific and theoretical-teaching research; to be able to implement self-education and enhance professional activity; to use effective means, forms and methods of teaching.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

0 credit points. 27 academic hours in total, among them – 16 class hours: 16 hours for lectures, Final check-up – competency test.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


Generic names and Proper name.

Belarusian surnames.

Toponym studies as a science.

Changes in toponym system of the Republic of Belarus in Soviet-era.

Names, surnames, nicknames in fiction books.

Methods: research, module studies, project, communicative methods, rating system, individual tasks, academic and methodological tasks.

Forms: lecture.

1. Reports.






Belarusian linguistic studies

(4,5 credit points, 162 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the programme of the 2nd degree – specialization “Language studies”.


Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to summarize and systematize knowledge of students on theoretical issues of language and culture studies; to develop and enhance philological way of thinking, skills for critical analysis and fundamentals of cultural concepts; to form the skills for practical introduction of this knowledge into teaching procedures and other spheres of social activity.

Competence: to apply to basic scientific and theoretical knowledge with the aim to solve theoretical and practical tasks; to apply to methodology of science and teaching research; to be able to implement self-education practices and enhance professional activity; to use effective means, forms and methods of education.


Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

4,5 credit points. 162 academic hours in total, among them – 42 class hours: 28 hours for lectures, 14 hours for tutorials, 120 hours for independent work of students; Final check-up – exam.


Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

1. Linguistic aspects of cultural studies: History and theoretical fundamentals.

2. Language and culture: aspects of cooperation.

3. Language phenomena as objects for Linguistic cultural studies.

4. Language and the role it plays in the National character formation.

Methods: research, module studies, project, communicative methods, rating system, individual tasks, academic and methodological tasks.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.


2. Practical tasks.

3. Reports.








Belarusian literature

(1 credit point, 58 academic hours) 

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get acquainted with the stage of the Belarusian literature (from the remote ages to Present days); to describe general direction, development and change of artistic and worldview system, evolution of methods, styles, genres; to analyze life and creative way of writers, content of their literary works, place and role in the literary process.

Competence: to apply to basic scientific and theoretical knowledge with the aim to solve theoretical and practical tasks; to apply to methods of scientific and teaching research; to be able to implement self-education and enhance professional activity; to use effective methods, forms and means of training.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

1 credit points. 58 academic hours in total, among them – 34 class hours: 20 hours for lectures, 14 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Everlasting Image.

Musicians in the world culture.

Antique images and motives in the Belarusian literature.

Bible and its genesis in the Belarusian artistic environment.

Belarusian literature in the world context.

The Renaissance in the west European and east European literature.

Romantic movement, its dynamics in the world Belarusian context.

Development of Realism in the modern artistic literature.

Modernist directions in the Modern Belarusian literature.

Historical problematics in the Belarusian literary art.

Topical issues of “Ecology of nature and sole” in the Belarusian literature.

Position of the Modern Belarusian fantastic writings.

Myth and its genesis in the Belarusian polite literature.

War in the artistic thinking of the Belarusian writers of prose.

Vasil Bykov in the context of European literary and philosophic experience.

Artistic acquisition of Modern Belarusian dramatic art.

Modern Belarusian Poetry.

Images, motives and genres of the Eastern culture in the Belarusian literature.

Methods: explanatory, visual, procreational, problem-plagued explanation, heuristic, research.

Forms: lectures, tutorials, consultations, individual classes.

1. Tests.

2. Credit.






The Belarusian Language

 (17 credit points, 654 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (University component) included into the State Component of the 1st degree – specialization “Elementary Education”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to deepen and systematize knowledge on the Belarusian language; to develop and enhance methodological thinking of students; to develop skills and competence on implementation of the knowledge learned; to train highly educated experts.

Competence: to accept and develop academic and social-personal competence, to get professional competence in accordance with “Educational Standard of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

17 credit points. 654 academic hours in total, among them – 300 class hours: 110 hours for lectures, 190 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – 4 exams, 2 credits.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module).

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


Orthoepy (correct pronunciation).












Methods: study and research activities, problem-plagued and module training, projects, communicative technologies, rating system, credit-module systems, alternative modules of individual work, study and methodology complexes.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.

1. Recitation.

2. Revision and consolidation tasks.

3. Intermediate tests.

4. Final tests.

5. Dictation.




The Belarusian Language

(11 credit points, 396 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “Preschool Education”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to deepen and systematize knowledge on the Belarusian language; to develop and enhance methodological thinking of students; to develop skills and competence on implementation of the knowledge learned; to train highly educated experts.

Competence: to accept and develop academic and social-personal competence, to get professional competence in accordance with “Educational Standard of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

11 credit points. 396 academic hours in total, among them – 180 class hours: 100 hours for lectures, 80 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – 2 exams, 2 credits.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


Orthoepy (correct pronunciation).












Culture of speech in profession.

Methods: study and research activities, problem-plagued and module training, projects, communicative technologies, rating system, credit-module systems, alternative modules of individual work, study and methodology complexes.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.

1. Recitation.

2. Revision and consolidation tasks.

3. Intermediate tests.

4. Final tests.

5. Dictation.




Theory and methodology of preschool children’s speech development 

(9 credit points, 396 academic hours) 

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “Preschool Education”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form professional competence of future teachers in the field of modern theories and technologies of preschool children’s development; to get ready the students to arrange and manage educational and research - methodology activities when teach preschool children.

Academic competence: to apply to basic research and theory knowledge when theoretical and practical tasks are solved; to apply to systematic and comparative analysis.

Social-personal competence: to have skills for civic consciousness; to have skills for interpersonal communication.

Professional competence: to implement academic activities in an effective way, to apply to effective methods, forms and means of training; to develop emotional and graphic spheres of social life when fiction is read.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

9 credit points. 306 academic hours in total, among them – 160 class hours: 66 hours for lectures, 92/2 (hours for independent hours) hours for tutorials, Final check-up –exam, 2 credits.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Linguistics of child speech.

Development of speech as an academic discipline and its place in the system of sciences.

System of work devoted to child speech development held at the premises of preschool educational establishments.

Basic directions in preschool children speech development.

Ways to enhance the work on speech development held at the premises of preschool educational establishment.

Methods: study and research activities, problem-plagued and module training, projects, communicative technologies, rating system, credit-module systems, alternative modules of individual work, study and methodology complexes.

Forms: lectures, tutorials, seminars.

1. Recitation.

2. Revision and consolidation tasks.

3. Intermediate tests.

4. Final tests.

5. Reports.

6. Lesson plans’ arrangement.




The Belarusian Language (functional lexis)

 (1,5 credit points, 58 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the State Component of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature”, “History and Social Sciences”, “The Russian language and Russian literature. Foreign language (English, German)”, “Foreign language (English, German)”, “Physical Education. Special training”, “Physical Education. Coaching in rowing and canoeing, boat racing, track-and-field athletics”, “Physical Education. Health improvement, tourism and recreation activity”, “Physical education. Sport and teaching activity”, “Biology (Research and teaching activity)”, “Mathematics and Informatics”, “Physics and Informatics”, “Technical Labour and Business studies”, “Service work and decorative art”, “Social work (social and educational work)”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to develop and enhance practical skills for literate oral and written communication; to develop linguistic and aesthetic perception which is closely connected to standards of the language; to widen and enrich vocabulary for professional lexis, to use terms and notions in everyday professional activity; to introduce the knowledge into professional activity and social life; to develop the attitude of love and respect to art style as well as to intellectual heritage of the Belarusians; to develop self-respect and identification; to develop a wish to study Belarusian at an advanced level.

Competence: to accept and develop academic and social-personal competence, to get professional competence in accordance with “Educational Standard of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

1,5 credit points. 58 academic hours in total, among them – 34 class hours: 8 hours for lectures, 26 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module).

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

The Belarusian language as a form of the national culture of the Belarusians.

Language and society.

Functions of the language in the society.

Origin of the Belarusian language.

Basic stages of the Belarusian language development.

Lexical system of the Belarusian literary language.

Functioning of the Belarusian language under the conditions of bilingualism.

Culture of speech in profession.

Methods: study and research activities, problem-plagued and module training, projects, communicative technologies, rating system, credit-module systems, alternative modules of individual work, study and methodology complexes.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.

1. Recitation.

2. Revision and consolidation tasks.

3. Intermediate tests.

4. Final tests.

5. Credit.


The Belarusian Language (functional lexis)

(1 credit point, 42 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the State Component of the 1st degree – specialization 1-08 01 01-06 “Vocational training (Agro-engineering); 1-08 01 01-05 “Vocational training (Building)”, 1-08 01 01-01 “Vocational training (Machine building)”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to develop and enhance practical skills for literate oral and written communication; to develop linguistic and aesthetic perception which is closely connected to standards of the language; to widen and enrich vocabulary for professional lexis, to use terms and notions in everyday professional activity; to introduce the knowledge into professional activity and social life; to develop the attitude of love and respect to art style as well as to intellectual heritage of the Belarusians; to develop self-respect and identification; to develop a wish to study Belarusian at an advanced level.

Competence: to accept and develop academic and social-personal competence, to get professional competence in accordance with “Educational Standard of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

1 credit point. 42 academic hours in total, among them – 28 class hours: 28 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module).

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

The Belarusian language as a form of the national culture of the Belarusians.

Language and society.

Functions of the language in the society.

Origin of the Belarusian language.

Basic stages of the Belarusian language development.

Lexical system of the Belarusian literary language.

Functioning of the Belarusian language under the conditions of bilingualism.

Culture of speech in profession.

Methods: study and research activities, problem-plagued and module training, projects, communicative technologies, rating system, credit-module systems, alternative modules of individual work, study and methodology complexes.

Forms: tutorials.

1. Recitation.

2. Revision and consolidation tasks.

3. Intermediate tests.

4. Final tests.

5. Credit.


The Belarusian Language

(17 credit points, 654 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (University component) included into the State Component of the 1st degree – specialization “Elementary Education”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to deepen and systematize knowledge on the Belarusian language; to develop and enhance methodological thinking of students; to develop skills and competence on implementation of the knowledge learned; to train highly educated experts.

Competence: to accept and develop academic and social-personal competence, to get professional competence in accordance with “Educational Standard of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

17 credit points. 654 academic hours in total, among them – 300 class hours: 110 hours for lectures, 190 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – 4 exams, 2 credits.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


Orthoepy (correct pronunciation).












Methods: study and research activities, problem-plagued and module training, projects, communicative technologies, rating system, credit-module systems, alternative modules of individual work, study and methodology complexes.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.

1. Recitation.

2. Revision and consolidation tasks.

3. Intermediate tests.

4. Final tests.

5. Dictation.



The Belarusian Language

(11 credit points, 396 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “Preschool Education”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to deepen and systematize knowledge on the Belarusian language; to develop and enhance methodological thinking of students; to develop skills and competence on implementation of the knowledge learned; to train highly educated experts.

Competence: to accept and develop academic and social-personal competence, to get professional competence in accordance with “Educational Standard of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

11 credit points. 396 academic hours in total, among them – 180 class hours: 100 hours for lectures, 80 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – 2 exams, 2 credits.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


Orthoepy (correct pronunciation).












Culture of speech in profession.

Methods: study and research activities, problem-plagued and module training, projects, communicative technologies, rating system, credit-module systems, alternative modules of individual work, study and methodology complexes.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.

1. Recitation.

2. Revision and consolidation tasks.

3. Intermediate tests.

4. Final tests.

5. Dictation.



Theory and methodology of preschool children’s speech development

(9 credit points, 396 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “Preschool Education”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form professional competence of future teachers in the field of modern theories and technologies of preschool children’s development; to get ready the students to arrange and manage educational and research - methodology activities when teach preschool children.

Academic competence: to apply to basic research and theory knowledge when theoretical and practical tasks are solved; to apply to systematic and comparative analysis.

Social-personal competence: to have skills for civic consciousness; to have skills for interpersonal communication.

Professional competence: to implement academic activities in an effective way, to apply to effective methods, forms and means of training; to develop emotional and graphic spheres of social life when fiction is read.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

9 credit points. 306 academic hours in total, among them – 160 class hours: 66 hours for lectures, 92/2 (hours for independent hours) hours for tutorials, Final check-up –exam, 2 credits.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Linguistics of child speech.

Development of speech as an academic discipline and its place in the system of sciences.

System of work devoted to child speech development held at the premises of preschool educational establishments.

Basic directions in preschool children speech development.

Ways to enhance the work on speech development held at the premises of preschool educational establishment.

Methods: study and research activities, problem-plagued and module training, projects, communicative technologies, rating system, credit-module systems, alternative modules of individual work, study and methodology complexes.

Forms: lectures, tutorials, seminars.

1. Recitation.

2. Revision and consolidation tasks.

3. Intermediate tests.

4. Final tests.

5. Reports.

6. Lesson plans’ arrangement.




Belarusian Language Studies

(14 credit points, 518 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component included into the State Component of the 1st degree – specialization “The Belarusian language and Belarusian literature”.


Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to summarize and systematize knowledge of students on basic stages of world and Belarusian language studies; to get acquainted with the most important achievements in theory of the language revealed by Belarusian and foreign scientists; to develop and enhance philological way of thinking; to enhance linguistic competence; to develop skills for critical thinking when complicated theoretical phenomena are treated; to use theoretical knowledge in practice; to train experts in Linguistics who can get the status of highly-qualified professionals and provide them with the knowledge of how to analyze the Belarusian language with due regard to bilingualism; to treat the language with love and respect; to treat the Native language as an intellectual heritage of the Belarusians; to develop the feeling of the National self-respect and self-identification

Competence: to apply to the knowledge in theory and science in order to solve theoretical and practical tasks; to apply to science and teaching research methodology; to be capable to implement self-educating techniques; to enhance professional competence; to apply to effective methods, forms and means of training.


Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

14 credit points. 518 academic hours in total, among them – 240 class hours: 100 hours for lectures, 140 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – 3 exams, credit.


Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module).

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

1. Introduction into Language Studies.

2. History of the World Language Studies.

3. History of the Belarusian Language Studies.

4. Functioning of the Belarusian language in the society.

5. Language theory.

6. Research methodology in Linguistics.

Methods: study and research activities, problem-plagued and module training, projects, communicative technologies, rating system, credit-module systems, alternative modules of individual work, study and methodology complexes.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.

1. Recitation.

2. Revision and consolidation tasks.

3. Intermediate tests.

4. Final tests.

5. Exam.





Introduction into Literature Studies

(2 credit points, 74 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the State Component of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature. Foreign language (English)”, “The Russian language and Russian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to study the essence and fundamentals of creative writing; to get acquainted with methodology and analysis of writing art.

Academic competence: to apply to basic research and theory knowledge to solve theoretical and practical tasks; to analyze a writing comparatively and systematically.

Social-personal competence: to develop the feeling of civic consciousness; to get skills for interpersonal communication.

Professional competence: to implement educating activity; to apply to effective methods, forms and means of training; to develop emotional and imaginative sphere of personality while reading creative writings.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 74 academic hours in total, among them – 36 class hours: 20 hours for lectures, 16 hours for tutorials, Final check-up –exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

1. Literature studies as a science about creative writing.

2. Fiction as a form of social consciousness.

3. Artistic image and its typical features.

4. Image.

5. Convention as a problem in literature.

6. Category of form and content in creative writing.

7. Topic, problem, idea of a creative writing.

8. Subject and plot.

9. Conflict and collision.

10. Composition as a world-creating principle.

11. Language as a centerpiece in Literature.

12. Theory of prosody.

13. Form and genre division in creative writing.

14. Creative method as a concept.

15. Artistic style in Literature.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Methods: Informative-Receptive methodology, procreational method; problem-plagued narration; heuristic methodology.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.


Check-up Forms and Marks

1. Final test

2. General testing

3. Project.

4. Recitation.


Introduction into Language Studies

(3 credit points, 100 academic hours) 

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature. Foreign language (English)”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to provide students with useful knowledge for perception of other linguistic disciplines.

Competence: to develop academic and social-personal competence, to get professional competence in accordance with “Educational standards of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

3 credit points. 100 academic hours in total, among them – 40 class hours: 20 hours for lectures, 18 hours for tutorials, 2 hours for individual work, Final check-up –exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


1. Language studies as a science.

2. Origin of the language.

3. Essence, typical features and functions of the language.

4. Phonetics and Phonology.

5. Morphemics and wordbuilding.

6. Lexicology and semasiology.

7. Grammar (Morphology and Syntax).

8. Writing, Graphics, Spelling.

9. Classification of languages.

10. Peculiarities of historical development of languages.

Methods: Informative-Receptive methodology, procreational method; problem-plagued narration; heuristic methodology.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.

1. Recitation, 2. Practical tasks,

3. Intermediate tests,

4. Final test,

5. Exam.


 History of Foreign Literature

(11 credit points, 430 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature. Foreign language (English)”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get theoretical and practical knowledge on History of Foreign literature; to get acquainted with peculiarities of national literature and its development; to develop overview of literature processes as unified phenomena between reality and literature.

Competence: to be able to use theoretical and scientific knowledge; to reveal the qualities of civic consciousness, to implement educational and training aims.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

11 credit points. 430 academic hours in total, among them – 208 class hours: 138 hours for lectures, 70 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – 2 exams, 2 credits.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


1) History of ancient literature;

2) History of Foreign literature of the Middle ages and the Renaissance era;

3) History of Foreign literature of the XVII – XVIII cent.;

4) History of Foreign literature of the ХIХ cent.;

5) History of Foreign literature of the ХХ cent.




Explanatory – visual; procreational; problem-plagued narration; heuristic; research activity.

Forms: lectures, tutorials, individual tutorials.

1. Colloquium.

2. Final tests.

3. Credits.

4. Exams.


History of Foreign Literature

(13 credit points, 482 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get theoretical and practical knowledge on History of Foreign literature; to get acquainted with peculiarities of national literature and its development; to develop overview of literature processes as unified phenomena between reality and literature.

Competence: to be able to use theoretical and scientific knowledge; to reveal the qualities of civic consciousness, to implement educational and training aims.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

13 credit points. 482 academic hours in total, among them – 216 class hours: 126 hours for lectures, 90 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – 3 exams, 2 credits.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


1) History of ancient literature;

2) History of Foreign literature of the Middle ages and the Renaissance era;

3) History of Foreign literature of the XVII – XVIII cent.;

4) History of Foreign literature of the ХIХ cent.;

5) History of Foreign literature of the ХХ cent.




Explanatory – visual; procreational; problem-plagued narration; heuristic; research activity.

Forms: lectures, tutorials, individual tutorials.

1. Colloquium.

2. Final tests.

3. Credits.

4. Exams.

 History of Foreign Literature

(4 credit points, 190 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Belarusian language and Belarusian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get theoretical and practical knowledge on History of Foreign literature; to get acquainted with peculiarities of national literature and its development; to develop overview of literature processes as unified phenomena between reality and literature.

Competence: to be able to use theoretical and scientific knowledge; to reveal the qualities of civic consciousness, to implement educational and training aims.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

4 credit points. 190 academic hours in total, among them –80 class hours: 32 hours for lectures, 4 hours for individual work; 44 hours for tutorials, Final check-up –exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


1) History of ancient literature;

2) History of Foreign literature of the Middle ages and the Renaissance era;

3) History of Foreign literature of the XVII – XVIII cent.;

4) History of Foreign literature of the ХIХ cent.;

5) History of Foreign literature of the ХХ cent.




Explanatory – visual; procreational; problem-plagued narration; heuristic; research activity.

Forms: lectures, tutorials, individual tutorials.

1. Colloquium.

2. Final tests.

3. Credits.

4. Exams.


Сhildren's literature

(8 credit points, 278 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form the idea of how children’s literature develops, to form the idea of diversity in genres.

Academic competence: to be able to use basic scientific and theoretical knowledge in studies; to systematize and analyze the data.

Social and personal competence: to have reveal the spirit of civic consciousness; to be able to conduct interpersonal communication;

Professional competence: to implement academic activity; to use the best practices, forms and means of training; to develop emotional and imaginative sphere of a person while reading literary text.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

8 credit points. 278 academic hours in total, among them – 140 class hours: 70 hours for lectures, 70 hours for tutorials, Final check-up –exam, credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

1. Introduction. Children’s literature as the art of writing and an academic discipline.

2. Childlore.

3. Origin and development of children’s literature.

4. Russian literature of the 19th century:

4.1. Fable as one of the genres of children’s literature;

4.2. Genre of literary fable in the creative work of the Russian writers of the 19th century.

4.3.  Beast epic of the 1th half of the 19th century.

4.4. Prose fairytales of the 1th half of the 19th century.

4.5. Genres of a literary fairytales in the creative work of the Russian writers of the 2nd half of the 19th century.

4.6. Short novels of the Russian writers of the 2nd half of the 19th century.

4.7. Autobiographic novels as a literature genre in the Russian literature.

4.8. Poetry of the 19th century Children’s reading.

5. Russian children’s literature of the XXth century.

5.1. Children’s literature of the XXth century. Prose. Poetry.

5.2. Children’s literature of the 1950s – 1970s.

6. Children’s literature in recent times.

7. Scientific and artistic children’s literature and modern writers- naturalists.

8. Artistic illustration in the children’s literature of the XXth century.

9. Foreign children’s literature.

9.1. English children’s literature.

9.2. Children’s literature of the Nordic countries (Northland).

9.3. French children’s literature.

9.4. German children’s literature.

9.5. American children’s literature.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement


Methods: informative- receptive; procreational; problem-plagued narration; heuristic.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.

Check-up Forms and Marks


1. Final test

2. General testing

3. Project

4. Recitation

5. Report

6. Presentation

7. Memorizing the texts


History of the Belarusian literature

(25 credit points, 926 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Belarusian language and Belarusian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get acquainted students with the stages of the National literature development (from ancient times till modern time); to present general knowledge about its development, change artistic and worldview system, evolution of methods, style, genres and forms; to analyze life and artistic way of writers, content of the works; to determine the place and role in the literature process.

Competence: to use basic scientific and theoretical knowledge; to apply to science and research methods; to be capable to implement self-educating activity and enhance professional competence; to apply to effective means, forms and methods of training.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

25 credit points. 926 academic hours in total, among them – 252 class hours (10 hours for individual forms of work): 202 hours for tutorials, Final check-up –4 exams, 4 credits.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


         1) Literature of the XI – XVI cent.

         2) Literature of the XVII – XVIII cent.

         3) Literature of the XIX century;

         4) Literature of the XX century;

         5) Modern Literature Process.



Explanatory – visual; procreational; problem-plagued narration; heuristic; research activity.


Forms: lectures, tutorials, individual forms of work; assistance, individual classes.


1. Colloquium.

2. Final test.

3. Credit.

4. Exam.

5. Course work.

6. Graduate work.

History of Russian Literature and Literary Criticism

(24,5 credit points, 914 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature. Foreign language (English)”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get acquainted with the History of Russian literature and literary criticism started from Old Russian Literature and till Modern Russian Literature; to get acquainted with the most important Old Russian Literature works; to assist students to percept and understand the most complicated aesthetic phenomena, to understand peculiarities of literary process as a unified phenomenon; to follow the following development of Old Russian Literary and Humanitarian values.

Academic competence: to be able to apply to basic scientific and theoretical knowledge to solve theoretical and practical tasks;

Social and personal competence: to reveal the qualities of civic consciousness; to be capable for intercultural communication;

Professional competence: to implement effective academic activity; to manage academic and cognitive activity; to apply to best practice, methods, means of training; to implement educational activity; to arrange and conduct educational affairs; to apply to value-oriented and aesthetic ideals; to develop emotional and imaginative sphere of life while reading literary works; to develop cognitive activity of a pupil who is keen on reading; to develop artistic abilities and reader’s skills of pupils; to implement value-oriented activity with pupils and parents; to analyze and evaluate teacher’s training phenomena and events of the past through modern humanitarian knowledge.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

24,5 credit points. 914 academic hours in total, among them – 430 class hours: 250 hours for lectures, 180 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – 4 exams, 4 credits.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Section 1. History of Old Russian literature.

Section 2. History of Russian Literature of the XVIII cent.

Section 3. History of Russian Literature of the first half of the XIX cent.

Section 4. History of Russian Literature of the second half of the XIX cent.

Section. 5. History of Russian Literature of the XX cent. (1920-es – mid 1950-es).

Section 6. History of Russian literature of the XX cent (mid 1950-es – mid 1980-es).

Section 7. Russian literature of the XX cent.

Section 9. Modern literary process.

Methods: research and academic activity; problem-plagued and module training; projects.

Forms: lectures and tutorials.


1. Recitation;

2. Intermediate testing,

3. Colloquium; tests; revision and consolidation tests; 4. Exam, credit.

Linguistic semiotics

(0 credit points , 34 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “Russian language and Russian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get theoretical systematized knowledge in the field of Linguistic Semiotics; to provide students with scientific knowledge about the levels of linguistic and semiotic system; to coordinate scientific views regarding the matters of Linguistic Semiotics; to handle linguistic traditions at educational establishments of Higher and secondary school.

To develop academic, social-personal and professional competences with due regard to “Educational standards of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

0 credit points. 34 academic hours in total, among them – 20 class hours: 20 hours for lectures, Final check-up – merit rating.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


1. Semantics, Syntactics, Pragmatics. Subject of Semiotics.

2. Fundamental notions and categories in Semiotics. Signs and sign system. Sign and symbol. Types of sign system: natural, visual, linguistic, system of writing, system of codes.

3. Linguistics Semiotics. Linguitic sign as a notion. Essence of a language sign. Typical peculiarities of natural languages and other linguistic systems. Functions of the language.

4. Language sign and its topical issues. Semantics. Aspects of lexical meaning of a word. Semantic structure of a word. Seme. Sememe. Method of semantic fields.

5. Lexicology. Features of a word. Seme-studies, its basic notions and meanings. Principles of nomination. Paradigmatics and Syntagmatics in language.

6. Linguistic semiotics and Psycholinguistics. Correlation of a language and thinking.

7. Semiotics and Pragmatics. Structure and classification of speech acts and statement interpretation. Forms of oral communication.

Methods: study and research activity, problem-plagued and module training, projects.

Forms: lectures.

Merit rating



Alternative types of communication

(1,5 credit points, 62 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “Speech therapy”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form the system of knowledge in the field of alternative types of communication.

To develop academic, social-personal and professional competences with due regard to “Educational standards of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

1,5 credit points. 62 academic hours in total, among them – 34 class hours: 18 hours for lectures, 12 hours for tutorials, 4 hours for laboratory practicals, Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


1. Fundamentals of Semiotics.

2. Semiotic and psychological issues.

3. Introduction into the subject area “Additional and alternative communication”.

4. Diagnostics of communicative behavior of people with special needs.

5. Means of additional and alternative communication.

6. Means of additional and alternative communication.

7. Planning of work on additional and alternative communication on Diagnostics.

8. Alternative training system of communication “PECS”.

Methods: study  and research activity, problem-plagued and module training, projects.

Forms: lectures and tutorials; laboratory.

1. Recitation, 2. Revision and consolidation,

3. Intermediate testing,

4. Final test,

5. Credit.



History of Russian Literary Language

(7 credit points, 284 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “Russian language and Russian Literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form the concept of literary language as a system of interconnected elements of oral communicative means, to standardize linguistic means, to systematize literary language into a stylistic system; to show possibilities of new tendencies in the development of Russian literary language, to get acquainted with ancient peculiarities of Russian Phonetics and Grammar, to form unique diachronic idea concerning Russian which has being formed under various historical changes.

To develop academic, social-personal and professional competences with due regard to “Educational standards of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

7 credit points. 284 academic hours in total, among them – 106 class hours: 54/4 hours for lectures, 46/2 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – 2 exams.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


Section 1.

1. Subject and tasks of Historical Grammar of Russian.

2. The Proto-Slavic linguistic heritage in the Phonetic system of Old Russian.

3. Phonetic system of Old Russian in X-XI centuries.

4. Phonetic processes of a written epoch.

5. Parts of speech in Historical development. Peculiarities of morphological system of Old Russian.

6. Syntax. General characteristics of a syntactic order of Old Russian.

Section 2.

1. Literary language and its peculiarities. Periodization of Russian Literary Language. Language of Great Russian Nation. Petrines’ epoch in Literary Language Development. Lomonosov’s period in Literary Language Development. Literary language of the XVIII century. Language of the IXX century. Pushkin’s period of Literary language development. Language in the IXX – XX cent. Language in the Soviet epoch. Language in the post-soviet epoch. System of styles in Modern Literary Language.

Methods: study  and research activity, problem-plagued and module training, projects.

Forms: lectures and tutorials.


1. Recitation, 2. Revision and consolidation,

3. Intermediate testing,

4. Final test,

5. Exam.


Culture of speech

(2 credit points, 58 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “Russian language and Russian Literature”, “History, Social sciences”, “Elementary education”, “Preschool education”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to upgrade professional level of Philology students in the field of Modern Russian Literary language.

To develop academic, social-personal and professional competences with due regard to “Educational standards of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 58 academic hours in total, among them – 34 class hours: 20 hours for lectures, 14 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


1. Linguistic issues in the Republic of Belarus and future perspectives.

2. Culture of speech as an academic notion.

3. Classifications of speech.

4. Oral and written forms of speech.

5. Correctness of speech, purity of speech, accuracy of speech, wealth of speech, expressiveness of speech.

6. Peculiarities of public speech. Speech of a teacher.

7. Ethics of oral communication.

Methods: study  and research activity, problem-plagued and module training, projects.

Forms: lectures and tutorials.


1. Recitation, 2. Revision and consolidation,

3. Intermediate testing,

4. Final test,

5. Credit.


Culture of Speech

(2 credit points, 58 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “History, Social sciences” (distant learning).

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to enhance professional skills of non-philology students in the field of Modern Literary Russian.

To develop academic, social-personal and professional competences with due regard to “Educational standards of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 58 academic hours in total, among them – 8 class hours: 4 hours for lectures, 4 hours for individual studies, Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


1. Linguistic issues in the Republic of Belarus and future perspectives.

2. Culture of speech as an academic notion.

3. Classifications of speech.

4. Oral and written forms of speech.

5. Correctness of speech, purity of speech, accuracy of speech, wealth of speech, expressiveness of speech.

6. Peculiarities of public speech. Speech of a teacher.

7. Ethics of oral communication.

Methods: study and research activity, problem-plagued and module training, projects.

Forms: lectures and tutorials.





Modern Literary Russian

(20,5 credit points, 764 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “Russian language and Russian Literature. Foreign language (English)”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to assist students to get knowledge in the field of Modern Russian and get acquainted with the following linguistic norms: orthoepic, lexical-grammar and punctuation ones.

To develop academic, social-personal and professional competences with due regard to “Educational standards of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

20,5 credit points. 776 academic hours in total, among them – 390 class hours: 170 hours for lectures, 220 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – exam, credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Phonetics. Phonology. Lexicology. Phraseology. Lexicography. Orthoepy. Graphics and spelling. Morphology, Syntax and Punctuation.


Methods: descriptive, taxonomic, quantitative estimation, transformative. Forms: lectures and tutorials.



1. Recitation;

2. Revision and consolidation;

3. Intermediate testing,

4. Colloquium; general testing; final tests.


Culture of Speech

(2 credit points, 58 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature”, “History, Social sciences”, “Elementary education”, “Preschool education”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to enhance practical skills and knowledge for Modern Literary Russian in various spheres of life (oriented to Philology teachers).

To develop academic, social-personal and professional competences with due regard to “Educational standards of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 58 academic hours in total, among them – 34 class hours: 20 hours for lectures, 14 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


1. Linguistic issues in the world and in the Republic of Belarus.

2. Culture of speech as an academic notion.

3. Classification of different types of speech.

4. Oral and written forms of speech.

5. Correctness of speech, fluency of speech, accuracy of speech, wealth of speech, emphasis of speech.

6. Public speaking. Teacher’s speech.

7. Ethics of speech behavior.

Methods: training and research activity, problem-plagued and module training; projects.

Forms: lectures and tutorials.

1. Recitation, 2. General testing,

3. Intermediate testing,

4. Final testing,

5. Credit.


Culture of Speech

(2 credit points, 58 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “History, Social sciences” (distance learning).

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to enhance practical skills and knowledge for Modern Literary Russian in various spheres of life (oriented to Non-Philology teachers).

To develop academic, social-personal and professional competences with due regard to “Educational standards of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 58 academic hours in total, among them – 8 class hours: 4 hours for lectures, 4 hours for intersession studies, Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


1. Linguistic issues in the world and in the Republic of Belarus.

2. Culture of speech as an academic notion.

3. Classification of different types of speech.

4. Oral and written forms of speech.

5. Correctness of speech, fluency of speech, accuracy of speech, wealth of speech, emphasis of speech.

6. Public speaking. Teacher’s speech.

7. Ethics of speech behavior.

Methods: training and research activity, problem-plagued and module training; projects.

Forms: lectures and tutorials.





Culture of Speech

(1,5 credit points, 58 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a State component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization 1-02 03 01 “Belarusian language and Belarusian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to pay attention of the students to the following topical issues: culture of speech, to develop practical skills for accurate use of oral and written language; to develop linguistic and aesthetic sense; to develop respectful feelings for the Belarusian language and a careful eye on its use.

To develop academic, social-personal and professional competences with due regard to “Educational standards of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

1,5 credit points. 58 academic hours in total, among them – 34 class hours: 20 hours for lectures, 14 hours for intersession studies, Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Culture of speech as an academic discipline. Communicative qualities of speech i.e. correctness of speech, fluency of speech, accuracy of speech, wealth of speech, emphasis of speech, expressiveness of oral speech.

Methods: training and research activity, problem-plagued and module training; projects.

Forms: lectures and tutorials.

1. Recitation,

2. General testing,

3. Intermediate testing,

4. Final testing,

5. Credit.

Communicative Linguistics and Textual Criticism

(7,5 credit points, 272 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component (State component) included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get acquainted with the theoretical basis of communicative linguistics i.e. communicative process, speech act, speech activity, types of speech behavior, etc.; to determine the problematic field of speech behavior of a Russian teacher as a linguistic persona.

To develop academic, social-personal and professional competences with due regard to “Educational standards of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

7,5 credit points. 272 academic hours in total, among them – 180 class hours: 60 hours for lectures, 58 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Theory of communicative linguistics, communicative process, speech act, speech activity, types of speech behavior. Topical issues of communication and standards to Language training techniques.

Text as a notion. Discourse. Basic features of texts. Integrity, coherence, implicit content, classification and modelling of texts, decomposition of sense bearing units, meaning expansion, etc.


Methods: descriptive, taxonomic.

Forms: lectures and tutorials.



1. Recitation;

2. General testing;

3. Intermediate testing,

4. Final tests.

Cognitive Linguistics

(0 credit points, 34 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature. Foreign language (English)”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form overview about cognitive linguistics as a modern and perspective direction in Linguistics.

To develop academic, social-personal and professional competences with due regard to “Edcational standards of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

0 credit points. 34 academic hours in total, among them – 20 class hours: 14 hours for lectures, 6 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – merit rating.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


Topic 1. Cognitive Linguistics as a direction of a scientific thought.

Topic 2. Mechanisms of cognitive activity. Language and world views.

Topic 3. Concept as a basic notion for cognitive linguistics.

Topic 4. Methods and means of research when deal with concepts.

Topic 5. Sphere of concepts in Russian culture.

Topic 6.  Theory of a conceptual metaphor.


Methods: teaching and research activity; problem-plagued and module education; projects.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.


1. Recitation, 2. General testing,

3. Intermediate testing,

4.Final test,

5. Exam.

History of Russian Literary Language

(7 credit points, 284 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form an overview about literary language as a result of a precise choice of speech means; to standardize language norms; to get acquainted with the stylistic norms of the language; to show the possibility of new tendencies in the development of Modern Russian Literary Language; to get acquainted with Old peculiarities of Russian Phonetics and Grammar with the aim to form a diachronic overview on Modern Russian Language as a result of regular historical changes.

To develop academic, social-personal and professional competences with due regard to “Educational standards of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

7 credit points. 284 academic hours in total, among them – 106 class hours: 54/4 hours for lectures, 46/2 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – 2 exams.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


Part 1. 1. Subject and tasks of Historical Grammar of the Russian Language. 2. The Proto-Slavic heritage in the phonetic system of Old Russian. 3. Phonetic system of Old Russian at the beginning of a writing epoch (X-XI cent.). 4. Phonetic process of a writing epoch. 5. Parts of speech through Historical perspectives. Peculiarities of initial morphological system of Old Russian. 6. Syntax. General characteristics of the Syntax structure of Old Russian. Periodization of Russian literary language.

Part 2. 1. Literary language as a notion and its peculiarities. Language of Great Russian Nation. Initial stages of the National language formation. Petrine’s epoch in the development of the literary language. Lomonosov’s period in the development of the literary language. Literary language of the 18th century. Language of the beg. of the 19th cent. Pushkin’s period of the Literary language development. Language of the 19th -20th cent. Language of the Soviet epoch. Language of the Post-Soviet epoch. The system of styles of the Modern literary language.


Methods: teaching and research activity; problem-plagued and module education; projects.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.


1. Recitation, 2. General testing,

3. Intermediate testing,

4.Final test,

5. Exam.

History of Foreign Literature

(11 credit points, 430 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature. Foreign language (English)”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get theoretical and practical knowledge on History of Foreign literature; to get acquainted with peculiarities of national literature and its development; to develop overview of literature processes as unified phenomena between reality and literature.

Competence: to be able to use theoretical and scientific knowledge; to reveal the qualities of civic consciousness, to implement educational and training aims.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

11 credit points. 430 academic hours in total, among them – 208 class hours: 138 hours for lectures, 70 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – 2 exams, 2 credits.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


1) History of ancient literature;

2) History of Foreign literature of the Middle ages and the Renaissance era;

3) History of Foreign literature of the XVII – XVIII cent.;

4) History of Foreign literature of the ХIХ cent.;

5) History of Foreign literature of the ХХ cent.




Explanatory – visual; procreational; problem-plagued narration; heuristic; research activity.

Forms: lectures, tutorials, individual tutorials.

1. Colloquium.

2. Final tests.

3. Credits.

4. Exams.

History of Foreign Literature

(13 credit points, 482 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get theoretical and practical knowledge on History of Foreign literature; to get acquainted with peculiarities of national literature and its development; to develop overview of literature processes as unified phenomena between reality and literature.

Competence: to be able to use theoretical and scientific knowledge; to reveal the qualities of civic consciousness, to implement educational and training aims.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

13 credit points. 482 academic hours in total, among them – 216 class hours: 126 hours for lectures, 90 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – 3 exams, 2 credits.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


1) History of ancient literature;

2) History of Foreign literature of the Middle ages and the Renaissance era;

3) History of Foreign literature of the XVII – XVIII cent.;

4) History of Foreign literature of the ХIХ cent.;

5) History of Foreign literature of the ХХ cent.




Explanatory – visual; procreational; problem-plagued narration; heuristic; research activity.

Forms: lectures, tutorials, individual tutorials.

1. Colloquium.

2. Final tests.

3. Credits.

4. Exams.

History of Foreign Literature

(4 credit points, 190 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Belarusian language and Belarusian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get theoretical and practical knowledge on History of Foreign literature; to get acquainted with peculiarities of national literature and its development; to develop overview of literature processes as unified phenomena between reality and literature.

Competence: to be able to use theoretical and scientific knowledge; to reveal the qualities of civic consciousness, to implement educational and training aims.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

4 credit points. 190 academic hours in total, among them –80 class hours: 32 hours for lectures, 4 hours for individual work; 44 hours for tutorials, Final check-up –exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


1) History of ancient literature;

2) History of Foreign literature of the Middle ages and the Renaissance era;

3) History of Foreign literature of the XVII – XVIII cent.;

4) History of Foreign literature of the ХIХ cent.;

5) History of Foreign literature of the ХХ cent.




Explanatory – visual; procreational; problem-plagued narration; heuristic; research activity.

Forms: lectures, tutorials, individual tutorials.

1. Colloquium.

2. Final tests.

3. Credits.

4. Exams.

History of Russian Literature and literary criticism

(24,5 credit points, 914 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “Russian Language and Russian Literature. Foreign Literature (English)”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get acquainted the students with the History of Russian Literature and Literary criticism (time period: Ancient Literature – Modern Literature). Section “History of Ancient Literature” is focused on memorials of Ancient Literature, to assist in perception and understanding of the most significant literature memorials, to assist in understanding of the most complicated aesthetic phenomena, to get the idea of literature peculiarities as a process and a part of a unified world; to follow furthre development of Ancient culture of artistic and humanitarian values.


Academic: to be able to apply to scientific and theoretical knowleadge when theoretical and practical tasks are solved;

Social-personal: to be able to reveal the feelings of citizenship; to be able to conduct interpersonal communication;

Professional: to implement educational activity; to manage academic and educating activity of students; to apply to the most effective methods of teaching; to implement educational activity; to conduct and hold educational projects; to assist to get value-oriented and aethetic orientations and ideal views of students; to develop emotional and imagenery activity; to develop creative abilities of readers and skills of readers; to implement value-oriented activity when educate pupils and their parents; to analyze and evaluate pedagogical phenomena and events under the consideration of humanitariam knowleadge.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

24,5 credit points. 914 academic hours in total, among them – 430 class hours: 250 hours for lectures, 180 hours for tutorials, 4 hours for laboratory practicals, Final check-up – 4 exams,  4 credits.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Section 1. History of Ancient Literature.

Section 2. History of Russian Literature of XVIII century.

Section 3. History of Russian Literature of XIX century (1st half).

Section 4. History of Russian Literature of XIX century – XX century.

Section 5. History of Russian Literature of XX century.

Section 6. History of Russian Literature of 1920-es – 1950-es.

Section 7. History of Russian Literature of 1950-es – 1980-es.

Section 8. Russian Literature of XX century (2nd half).

Section 9. Modern Literature Process.



Study and research; problem-module training, projects.

Forms: lectures, tutorials, laboratory practicals.

1. Recitation.

2. Intermediate tests.

3. Colloquium, tests, final tests.

4. Exam, credit.


History of Russian Literary Language

(7 credit points, 284 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “Russian Language and Russian Literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form the view about Literary language as a result of precise selection of speech means based on the data taken from various sources; to organize a literary language into a stylistic system; to show an ability to existence of new tendencies in the development of Russian literary language as a system; to get acquainted the students with peculiarities of ancient Russian Phonetics and Grammar; to form specific diachronic view on Modern Russian as a result of Historical changes.

Competence: a student must get and develop academic and social-personal competence, to get professional competence which has been developed in accordance with “Educational standard of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

7 credit points. 284 academic hours in total, among them – 160 class hours: 54 hours for lectures, 46 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – 2 exams.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Part 1.

1. Subject and tasks of Historical Grammar of the Russian language.

2. Heritage of the Proto-Slavic language in the phonetic system of Old Russian.

3. Phonetic system of Old Russian at the beginning of a written epoch in X – XI century.

4. Phonetic processes of a written epoch.

5. Parts of speech in the historical development. Peculiarities of primary morphological system of Old Russian.

6. Syntax. General characteristics of syntactic structure of Old Russian.

Part 2.

1. Literary language as a notion. Peculiarities of a literary language. 2. Periodization of Russian Literary language.

3. Language of Great Russian nation.

4. Initial stage of the national language.

5. Peter the Great epoch in Russian language development.

6. Lomonosov epoch in Russian literary language.

7. Literary language of the third half of the 18th century.

8. Language of the beginning of the IXX century.

9. Pushkin epoch in Russian language development.

10. Language of the second half of IXX century – beginning of XX century.

11. Language of Soviet epoch.

12. Language of Post soviet epoch.

13. System of styles of modern literary language.


Study and research; problem-module training, projects.

Forms: lectures, tutorials, laboratory practicals.

1. Recitation.

2. Intermediate tests.

3. Colloquium, tests, final tests.

4. Exam, credit.


Cognitive Linguistics

(0 credit points, 34 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “Russian Language and Russian Literature. Foreign language (English)”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form the view about Cognitive Linguistics as a perspective modern approach in Language studies.

Competence: a student must get and develop academic and social-personal competence, to get professional competence which has been developed in accordance with “Educational standard of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

0 credit points. 34 academic hours in total, among them – 20 class hours: 14 hours for lectures, 6 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – performance review.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Topic 1. Cognitive Linguistics as a direction of a scientific thought.

Topic 2. Mechanisms of cognitive activity. Language and world views.

Topic 3. Concept as a basic notion in Cognitive Linguistics.

Topic 4. Methods and tools used in concept investigation.

Topic 5. Conceptual sphere of Russian culture.

Topic 6. Theory of concept metaphor.


Study and research; problem-module training, projects.

Forms: lectures, tutorials, laboratory practicals.

1. Recitation.

2. Intermediate tests.

3. Colloquium, tests, final tests.

4. Exam, credit.


Communicative Linguistics and Textual Study

(7,5 credit points, 272 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “Russian Language and Russian Literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get acquainted the students with the theory of communicative linguistics and the notions that are studied in this science, such as communicative process, speech act, speech activity, types of speech activity, etc. Much attention is paid to effective verbal communication and the requirements that are needed for teacher’s competence and a student as a linguistic personality.

Competence: a student must get and develop academic and social-personal competence, to get professional competence which has been developed in accordance with “Educational standard of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

7,5 credit points. 272 academic hours in total, among them – 180 class hours: 60 hours for lectures, 58 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Communicative process. Speech act. Speech activity. Types of communication. Effective communication. Textual study. Text. Discourse. Unity. Coherence. Hierarchical organization. Classification and modelling of communicative peculiarities.



Forms: lectures, tutorials.

1. Recitation.

2. Practical tasks.

3. Intermediate tests.

4. Final tests.


Culture of Speech

(2 credit points, 58 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “Russian Language and Russian Literature”, “History and Social Sciences”, “Elementary education”, “Preschool education”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get acquainted the students with Modern Russian which is used in various fields of social life and forms of its functioning.

Competence: a student must get and develop academic and social-personal competence, to get professional competence which has been developed in accordance with “Educational standard of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 58 academic hours in total, among them – 34 class hours: 20 hours for lectures, 14 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

1. Situation with the language in the Republic of Belarus and in the world: forecast for the nearest future.

2. Culture of speech as a notion.

3. Classification of speech.

4. Oral and written forms of speech.

5. Correctness of speech, lamprophony, accuracy of speech, gorgeousness of speech, expressiveness of speech.

6. Peculiarities of public speech. Speech of a teacher.

7. Ethics of verbal communication.


academic and research activity, problem-module training, projects.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.

1. Recitation.

2. Practical tasks.

3. Intermediate tests.

4. Final tests.

5. Credit


Culture of Speech

(2 credit points, 58 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “History and Social Sciences” (distance learning).

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to enhance the linguistic level of competence which is known as necessary for non-Philology experts.

Competence: a student must get and develop academic and social-personal competence, to get professional competence which has been developed in accordance with “Educational standard of the Republic of Belarus”.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 58 academic hours in total, among them – 8 class hours: 4 hours for lectures, 4 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

1. Situation with the language in the Republic of Belarus and in the world: forecast for the nearest future.

2. Culture of speech as a notion.

3. Classification of speech.

4. Oral and written forms of speech.

5. Correctness of speech, lamprophony, accuracy of speech, gorgeousness of speech, expressiveness of speech.

6. Peculiarities of public speech. Speech of a teacher.

7. Ethics of verbal communication.


academic and research activity, problem-module training, projects.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.

1. Recitation.

2. Practical tasks.

3. Intermediate tests.

4. Final tests.

5. Credit

Russian Literature Teaching Methodology

(5 credit points, 190 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (state component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature. Foreign language (English)”, “The Russian language and Russian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form the competence in philology and teachers’ training, to prepare future teachers for work at school and teaching literature under new social and cultural conditions.

Academic competence: to apply to fundamental scientific and theoretical knowledge which will be of great use when theoretical and practical tasks are solved;

Social and personal competence: to have a strong feeling of civic consciousness, to conduct interpersonal communication;

Professional competence: to implement academic activity; to manage study and cognitive activity of students; to apply to effective methods, forms of teaching; to implement educational activity; to assist students in educational affairs, to assist in value-oriented and aesthetic activity; to develop emotional-imaginary sphere of pupils while reading fiction, to develop cognitive activity of pupils-readers; to develop artistic abilities of pupils; to implement value-oriented activity with pupils and parents; to analyze and evaluate teaching phenomena and events of the past through modern humanitarian knowledge.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

5 credit points. 190 academic hours in total, among them – 86 class hours: 48 hours for lectures, 38 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

1. Literature teaching methodology as a scientific discipline.

2. Enhancement of reading culture of a pupil-reader.

3. Content and stages of literary education at modern school.

4. Literature teaching methodology at school.

5. Fundamental stages of literature studies at school.

6. Perception and studies of fictional work as a gender specificity.

7. History of literature studies at school.

8.  Theory of literature at school.

9. Formation of readers’ skills at the lesson of literature.

10. Development of student oratory skills as a part of literature studies.

11. Литературное творчество школьников.

12. Arrangement of academic and educational process. Modern lesson of literature.

13. Optional course in Literature.

14. Out-of-class and extra-curricular work.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: informative and receptive, procreational, problem-plagued narration, heuristic.

Forms: lecture, tutorials.

1. Final test.

2. General testing.

3. Lesson plan.

4. After-class activity plan.

5. Project.

6. Report.

7. Report presented individually.

8. Reference list.

9. Oral presentation.


Oral Folk Arts

(3 credit points, 104 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature. Foreign language (English)”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to acquaint the students with the fundamentals of literary art development during various stages of society development.

Academic competence: to apply to fundamental scientific and theoretical knowledge which will be of great use when theoretical and practical tasks are solved;

Social and personal competence: to have a strong feeling of civic consciousness, to conduct interpersonal communication;

Professional competence: to implement academic activity; to manage study and cognitive activity of students; to apply to effective methods, forms of teaching; to implement educational activity; to assist students in educational affairs, to assist in value-oriented and aesthetic activity; to develop emotional-imaginary sphere of pupils while reading fiction, to develop cognitive activity of pupils-readers; to develop artistic abilities of pupils; to implement value-oriented activity with pupils and parents; to analyze and evaluate teaching phenomena and events of the past through modern humanitarian knowledge.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

3 credit points. 104 academic hours in total, among them – 34 class hours: 24 hours for lectures, 10 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

1.     Folklore and folkloristics.

2.     Genre structure of Russian folklore.

3.     Traditional folklore of early stages.

4.     Small genres of folklore.

5.     Ceremonial folklore.

6.     Family folklore.

7.     Epic, prosaic and non-ceremonial folklore.

8.     Fairytale as a genre of epic prosaic non-ceremonial folklore.

9.     Epic poetic non-ceremonial folklore.

10.           Russian epic as a genre of poetic non-ceremonial folklore.

11.           Lyric songs.

12.           Folk drama art.

13.           Traditional folklore of late stages.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

Methods: informative and receptive, procreational, problem-plagued narration, heuristic.

Forms: lecture, tutorials.

1. Final test.

2. General testing.

3. Project.

4. Report.

5. Individual report.


Introduction Into Literature Studies

(2 credit points, 74 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature. Foreign language (English)”, “The Russian language and Russian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to study the essence and fundamentals of literary art, to accept methodology and analysis of pieces of art.

Academic competence: to apply to fundamental scientific and theoretical knowledge which will be of great use when theoretical and practical tasks are solved;

Social and personal competence: to have a strong feeling of civic consciousness, to conduct interpersonal communication;

Professional competence: to implement academic activity; to manage study and cognitive activity of students; to apply to effective methods, forms of teaching; to implement educational activity; to assist students in educational affairs, to assist in value-oriented and aesthetic activity; to develop emotional-imaginary sphere of pupils while reading fiction, to develop cognitive activity of pupils-readers; to develop artistic abilities of pupils; to implement value-oriented activity with pupils and parents; to analyze and evaluate teaching phenomena and events of the past through modern humanitarian knowledge.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 74 academic hours in total, among them – 36 class hours: 20 hours for lectures, 16 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

1.     Literature studies as a science about science fiction.

2.     Fiction as a form of social cognition.

3.     Artistic image and its peculiarities.

4.     Image.

5.     Convention as a problem in literature.

6.     Form and content as a category of literary piece of writing.

7.     Topic, problem and idea of literary work.

8.     Subject and plot.

9.     Conflict and collision.

10.           Composition as a “world-creating principle”.

11.            Language as a centerpiece in literature.

12.           Prosody theory.

13.           Gender-genre division of fiction.

14.           Fiction methods as a notion.

15.           Literature and art style as a notion.


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Methods: informative and receptive, procreational, problem-plagued narration, heuristic.

Forms: lecture, tutorials.

Check-up Forms and Marks

1. Final test.

2. General testing.

3. Project..

4. Oral presentation.


Belarusian Literature Teaching Methodology

(4,5 credit points, 190 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Belarusian language and Belarusian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get theoretical fundamentals of national literature teaching at secondary schools and in strong correspondence of educational system in the Republic of Belarus, to form the system of knowledge, skills and competence which are necessary for active independent practical activity; to apply to effective methods and tools when literature is studied; to search for new technologies, realities and arrangement of the lesson, to analyze fiction; to analyze genres, stages and development of fiction; to enhance professional competence of future teachers of Belarusian literature.

Competence: to apply to fundamental science and research knowledge for solution of theoretical and practical tasks, to apply to methods of scientific and pedagogical  investigation, to be able to implement self-education and enhance professional competence; to apply to effective methods, forms and equipment of work.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

4,5 credit points. 190 academic hours in total, among them – 96 class hours: 48 hours for lectures, 48 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – exam, credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

1. Belarusian literature teaching methodology as a science.

2. Belarusian literature as an academic discipline.

3. Basic stages of enhancement and development of Belarusian literature teaching methodology.

4. Content and stages of literature training at modern secondary schools.

5. Principles, methods and tools in literature teaching methodology.

6. Development of literary culture of pupils. Teacher of Belarusian literature.

7. Lesson of literature in modern secondary schools.

8. Stages of literature studies at school.

9. Study of fiction in accordance with its genre peculiarities.

10. Study of reviews and collection of articles.

11. Theory of literature which is studied at school.

12. Development of oral and written speech at the lessons of literature.

13. Interacademic and intersubject connections.

14. Use of visual aids and means of studies at the lesson of Literature. 16. Optional courses.

17. Extra-curricular activity in Literature.

Methods: academic and research activity, problem-plagued activity, project techniques, rating system, communicative techniques, credit-module system of academic and research activity, optional model of individual work, study and methodology complex.

Forms: tutorials.

1. Recitation.

2. Practical tasks.

3. General testing.

4. Final tests. 5. Colloquium.

6. Lesson plan.

7. Plans of educational affairs.


Children’s Literature

(8 credit points, 278 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form the idea of children’s literature and its genre diversity.

Academic competence: to apply to fundamental scientific and theoretical knowledge which will be of great use when theoretical and practical tasks are solved;

Social and personal competence: to have a strong feeling of civic consciousness, to conduct interpersonal communication;

Professional competence: to implement academic activity; to manage study and cognitive activity of students; to apply to effective methods, forms of teaching; to implement educational activity; to assist students in educational affairs, to assist in value-oriented and aesthetic activity; to develop emotional-imaginary sphere of pupils while reading fiction, to develop cognitive activity of pupils-readers; to develop artistic abilities of pupils; to implement value-oriented activity with pupils and parents; to analyze and evaluate teaching phenomena and events of the past through modern humanitarian knowledge.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

8 credit points. 278 academic hours in total, among them – 140 class hours: 70 hours for lectures, 70 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – exam, credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

1. Introduction. Children's literature as the art of the word and the academic subject.

2. Children's folklore.

3. The emergence and development of children's literature.

4. Russian children's literature of the 19th century:

4.1. Fable as a genre of children's literature.

4.2.Zhanr literary fairy tale in the works of Russian writers of the first half of the 19th century.

4.3.Stish fairy tales of the first half of the 19th century.

4.4. Prose tale of the first half of the 19th century.

4.5. Genre of a literary fairy tale in the works of Russian writers of the second half of the 19th century.

4.6. Stories of Russian writers of the second half of the 19th century.

4.7. Genre of an autobiographical novel about childhood in Russian literature.

4.8. Poetry of the 19th century in children's reading.

5. Russian children's literature of the 20th century.

5.1. Children's literature of the early 20th century. Prose. Poetry.

5.2. Children's literature of the 50-70's.

6. Children's literature at the present stage.

7. Scientific and artistic children's literature and contemporary writers-nature experts.

8. Art illustration in the children's book of the 20th century.

9. Foreign children's literature.

9.1. English children's literature.

9.2. Children's literature of northern countries (Scandinavia).

9.3.French children's literature.

9.4.The German children's literature.

9.5. American children's literature.

Methods: academic and research activity, problem-plagued activity, project techniques, rating system, communicative techniques, credit-module system of academic and research activity, optional model of individual work, study and methodology complex.

Forms: tutorials.

1. Recitation.

2. Practical tasks.

3. General testing.

4. Final tests. 5. Colloquium.

6. Lesson plan.

7. Plans of educational affairs.

Ethno-sociolo-cultural aspects of a language

(2 credit points, 70 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature. Foreign language (English)”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to enhance the knowledge in the field of a modern anthropocentric paradigm of Linguistic studies while studying the aspects “Language and ethnos”, “Language and society”, “Language and culture”, “Language and gender”, “Language-computer-human”.

Competence: the students must enhance academic, social, personal, professional competence in close coordination with Standards of education of the Republic of Belarus.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 70 academic hours in total, among them – 40 class hours: 20 hours for lectures, 16 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

1. Ethno-sociolo-cultural aspects of a language in the modern linguistic paradigm.

2. Language and ethnos. Ethnolinguistics.

3. Language and Culture. Cultural studies in linguistics.

4. Language and society. Social linguistics.

5. Language and gender. Gender linguistics.

6. E-communication in linguistic research. Internet linguistics.

Methods: study and research activity, problem-plagued methodology, projects.

Forms: lectures and tutorials.

1. Recitation, 2. Practical tasks,

3. Intermediate tests,

4. Final test,

5. Credit.



Philosophy of language and communication

(5 credit points, 180 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (state component) included into the programme of the 2nd degree – specialization “Language Studies”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to enhance professional willingness of experts in Philology to conduct research and any practical tasks in the field of theory and practice of communication, language studies, literature studies.

Competence: the students must enhance academic, social, personal, professional competence in close coordination with Standards of education of the Republic of Belarus.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

5 credit points. 180 academic hours in total, among them – 46 class hours: 28 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

1. Introduction.

2. Cultural-historical, epistemological peculiarities when deal with questions in Philosophy of language and communication.

2.1. Mythology and Philosophy of language and communication in the cultures of Ancient world.

2.2. Linguistic semiotic Philosophy in the middle ages. Philosophy of language in the Renaissance and the enlightenment.

2.3. Topical issues in Philosophy of language in the modern age and the contemporary history (XIX – XXI cent.)

3. Basic types of information people use these days; genealogy of sign systems which are responsible for information transmission and communication.

4. Development of techniques in communication and their influence on languages and communication; basic tendencies in the history of the languages and communication.

Methods: study and research activity, problem-plagued methodology, projects.

Forms: lectures and tutorials.

1. Recitation,

2. Practical tasks, 3. Debates devoted to various ways of hom task;

4. Intermediate testing, final tests.


Text analysis in Philology

(2 credit points, 96 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to enhance professional training of teachers in close coordination with Russian language teaching methodology, to enlarge knowledge about Linguistics as a science/ multi-functional system/ a fact of a language and a piece of art.

Competence: the students must enhance academic, social, personal, professional competence in close coordination with Standards of education of the Republic of Belarus.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

2 credit points. 96 academic hours in total, among them – 46 class hours: 20\4  hours for lectures, 24 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


Literary text as an object for linguistic research.

Arrangement of text.

Inter-textual connections in fiction.

Time in fiction.

Space in fiction.


Methods: study and research activity, problem-plagued methodology, projects.

Forms: lectures and tutorials.

1. Recitation,

2. Practical tasks, 3. Debates devoted to various ways of hom task;

4. Intermediate testing, final tests.


Oral folk arts

(3 credit points, 104 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (state component) included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature. Foreign language (English)”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to acquaint the students with the main peculiarities of a written word at various stages of its development.

Academic competence: to apply to basic science-to-research knowledge when theoretical and practical tasks are solved; to conduct systematized and comparative analysis;

Social and personal competence: to have reveal civic consciousness, to conduct interpersonal communication;

Professional competence: to implement academic activity; to apply to effective methods, forms and means of studies; to develop emotional and imaginary sphere of personality while reading fiction.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

3 credit points. 104 academic hours in total, among them – 34 class hours: 24 hours for lectures, 10 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

1.     Folklore and folkloristics.

2.     Genre structure of Russian folklore.

3.     Folklore of early traditional period.

4.     Genres of folklore.

5.     Ceremonial folklore.

6.     Family ceremonial folklore.

7.     Epic and prose non-traditional folklore.

8.     Fairytale as a genre of an epic prosaic non-traditional folklore.

9.     Epic poetic non-traditional folklore.

10.           Russian epic as a genre of poetic non-traditional folklore.

11.           Lyrical song.

12.           Folk drama art.

13.           Post-traditional folklore.

Methods: study and research activity, problem-plagued methodology, projects.

Forms: lectures and tutorials.

1. Final test.

2. General testing.

3. Project.

4. Report.

5. Individual task.



Training spelling, punctuation and culture of written speech

(0 credit points, 34 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into the programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature. Foreign language (English)”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to revise all the information about spelling and punctuation, to systematize spelling and punctuation principles, to enhance knowledge in spelling and punctuation.

Competence: the students must enhance academic, social, personal, professional competence in close coordination with Standards of education of the Republic of Belarus.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

0 credit points. 34 academic hours in total, among them – 20 class hours (20 tutorials). Final check-up – credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks

     1.     Introduction into spelling. Principles of spelling

     2.     Phonematic principles of spelling as the leading one. Principles of punctuation.

     3.     Spelling of nouns.

     4.     Spelling of adjectives.

     5.     Spelling of numerals and pronouns.

     6.     Spelling of verbs. Homogeneous parts of the sentence.

     7.     Spelling of participles.

     8.     Spelling of adverbs.

     9.     Spelling and punctuation analysis.

Methods: descriptive, taxonomic, transformative.

Forms: tutorials.



1. Recitation;

2. Home tasks checking;

3. Intermediate testing,

4. Colloquiums; tests; final tests.
















History of Foreign Literature

(11 credit points, 430 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature. Foreign language (English)”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get theoretical and practical knowledge on History of Foreign literature; to get acquainted with peculiarities of national literature and its development; to develop overview of literature processes as unified phenomena between reality and literature.

Competence: to be able to use theoretical and scientific knowledge; to reveal the qualities of civic consciousness, to implement educational and training aims.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

11 credit points. 430 academic hours in total, among them – 208 class hours: 138 hours for lectures, 70 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – 2 exams, 2 credits.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


1) History of ancient literature;

2) History of Foreign literature of the Middle ages and the Renaissance era;

3) History of Foreign literature of the XVII – XVIII cent.;

4) History of Foreign literature of the ХIХ cent.;

5) History of Foreign literature of the ХХ cent.




Explanatory – visual; procreational; problem-plagued narration; heuristic; research activity.

Forms: lectures, tutorials, individual tutorials.

1. Colloquium.

2. Final tests.

3. Credits.

4. Exams.






History of Foreign Literature

(13 credit points, 482 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get theoretical and practical knowledge on History of Foreign literature; to get acquainted with peculiarities of national literature and its development; to develop overview of literature processes as unified phenomena between reality and literature.

Competence: to be able to use theoretical and scientific knowledge; to reveal the qualities of civic consciousness, to implement educational and training aims.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

13 credit points. 482 academic hours in total, among them – 216 class hours: 126 hours for lectures, 90 hours for tutorials, Final check-up – 3 exams, 2 credits.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


1) History of ancient literature;

2) History of Foreign literature of the Middle ages and the Renaissance era;

3) History of Foreign literature of the XVII – XVIII cent.;

4) History of Foreign literature of the ХIХ cent.;

5) History of Foreign literature of the ХХ cent.




Explanatory – visual; procreational; problem-plagued narration; heuristic; research activity.

Forms: lectures, tutorials, individual tutorials.

1. Colloquium.

2. Final tests.

3. Credits.

4. Exams.







History of Foreign Literature

(4 credit points, 190 academic hours)

Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Belarusian language and Belarusian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get theoretical and practical knowledge on History of Foreign literature; to get acquainted with peculiarities of national literature and its development; to develop overview of literature processes as unified phenomena between reality and literature.

Competence: to be able to use theoretical and scientific knowledge; to reveal the qualities of civic consciousness, to implement educational and training aims.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

4 credit points. 190 academic hours in total, among them –80 class hours: 32 hours for lectures, 4 hours for individual work; 44 hours for tutorials, Final check-up –exam.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


1) History of ancient literature;

2) History of Foreign literature of the Middle ages and the Renaissance era;

3) History of Foreign literature of the XVII – XVIII cent.;

4) History of Foreign literature of the ХIХ cent.;

5) History of Foreign literature of the ХХ cent.




Explanatory – visual; procreational; problem-plagued narration; heuristic; research activity.

Forms: lectures, tutorials, individual tutorials.

1. Colloquium.

2. Final tests.

3. Credits.

4. Exams.


Сhildren's literature

(8 credit points, 278 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a University component included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Russian language and Russian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to form the idea of how children’s literature develops, to form the idea of diversity in genres.

Academic competence: to be able to use basic scientific and theoretical knowledge in studies; to systematize and analyze the data.

Social and personal competence: to have reveal the spirit of civic consciousness; to be able to conduct interpersonal communication;

Professional competence: to implement academic activity; to use the best practices, forms and means of training; to develop emotional and imaginative sphere of a person while reading literary text.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

8 credit points. 278 academic hours in total, among them – 140 class hours: 70 hours for lectures, 70 hours for tutorials, Final check-up –exam, credit.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)

1. Introduction. Children’s literature as the art of writing and an academic discipline.

2. Childlore.

3. Origin and development of children’s literature.

4. Russian literature of the 19th century:

4.1. Fable as one of the genres of children’s literature;

4.2. Genre of literary fable in the creative work of the Russian writers of the 19th century.

4.3.  Beast epic of the 1th half of the 19th century.

4.4. Prose fairytales of the 1th half of the 19th century.

4.5. Genres of a literary fairytales in the creative work of the Russian writers of the 2nd half of the 19th century.

4.6. Short novels of the Russian writers of the 2nd half of the 19th century.

4.7. Autobiographic novels as a literature genre in the Russian literature.

4.8. Poetry of the 19th century Children’s reading.

5. Russian children’s literature of the XXth century.

5.1. Children’s literature of the XXth century. Prose. Poetry.

5.2. Children’s literature of the 1950s – 1970s.

6. Children’s literature in recent times.

7. Scientific and artistic children’s literature and modern writers- naturalists.

8. Artistic illustration in the children’s literature of the XXth century.

9. Foreign children’s literature.

9.1. English children’s literature.

9.2. Children’s literature of the Nordic countries (Northland).

9.3. French children’s literature.

9.4. German children’s literature.

9.5. American children’s literature.

Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement


Methods: informative- receptive; procreational; problem-plagued narration; heuristic.

Forms: lectures, tutorials.

Check-up Forms and Marks


1. Final test

2. General testing

3. Project

4. Recitation

5. Report

6. Presentation

7. Memorizing the texts



History of the Belarusian literature

(25 credit points, 926 academic hours)


Position in the educational process

Academic discipline is a basic component (State component) included into academic programme of the 1st degree – specialization “The Belarusian language and Belarusian literature”.

Aim, Tasks, Competence

Aim: to get acquainted students with the stages of the National literature development (from ancient times till modern time); to present general knowledge about its development, change artistic and worldview system, evolution of methods, style, genres and forms; to analyze life and artistic way of writers, content of the works; to determine the place and role in the literature process.

Competence: to use basic scientific and theoretical knowledge; to apply to science and research methods; to be capable to implement self-educating activity and enhance professional competence; to apply to effective means, forms and methods of training.

Structure of Academic Discipline (Module)

25 credit points. 926 academic hours in total, among them – 252 class hours (10 hours for individual forms of work): 202 hours for tutorials, Final check-up –4 exams, 4 credits.

Contents/ (Brief Description) of the Discipline (Module)


Methods and Forms of Academic Process Arrangement

Check-up Forms and Marks


1)    Literature of the XI – XVI cent.

2)    Literature of the XVII – XVIII cent.

3)    Literature of the XIX century;

4)    Literature of the XX century;

5)    Modern Literature Process.



Explanatory – visual; procreational; problem-plagued narration; heuristic; research activity.


Forms: lectures, tutorials, individual forms of work; assistance, individual classes.


1. Colloquium.

2. Final test.

3. Credit.

4. Exam.

5. Course work.

6. Graduate work.



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