History and Contemporaneity

History and Contemporaneity

In March, 1944 the first Institution of Higher Education in Mozyr was founded at the premises of Rogachev Teachers' Training Institute. The decision to found Teachers' Training Institute testified to significant role of education in war time. Initially the Institute had 3 departments: Language and Literature, Physics and Mathematics, History and Geography. There were 7 chairs where worked 27 teachers and studied 210 students.

In 1946 the first students graduated from the Institute. 190 teachers of History, Language and Literature, Physics and Mathematics, Nature Studies and Geography started work at schools in the Polesye region.

In 1952 Mozyr Teachers' Training Institute was reorganized into Mozyr Pedagogical Institute by Decision No. 999 of July 22, 1952 of the Council of Ministers.

In 1964 by Decision of the Council of Ministers of BSSR Mozyr Teachers' Training Institute was given the name of N.K.Krupskaya.

By Decision No. 500 of August 4, 2006 of the President of the Republic of Belarus Mozyr State Pedagogical University got the name after a prominent literary and political figure Ivan Petrovich Shamyakin.

Opening and reorganization of the University were formed in compliance with the increasing demand of the region for highly qualified teaching staff. Dynamics of University development gives evidence of its high potential, i.e. professional development, enhancement and development of infrastructure, improvement of educational and scientific process.

Nowadays the University is one of the leading establishments in Gomel Region. It participates in the innovative development of Economics, State Programmes of Rural Renewal and Development, National Programme of Tourism Development. Moreover, Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P.Shamyakin undertakes an important teachers supply mission in the region which was restored after Chernobyl NPP accident.

The history of the University is eventful and intimately connected with the development of the Republic of Belarus. In the intervening years more than 40 000 specialists have been trained. The graduates of our University are distinguished teachers and respected public officials who support to improve and develop the  National System of Education. Academic staff of the University is recruited by the best students who are ambitious and successful in the field of science. 60% of academic staff is graduates of our University, i.e. Prof. Savenko V.S., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Shur V.V., Doctor of Philological Sciences, Prof. Kulak G.V., Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences. Deans of 7 Departments are also graduates of MSPU.

Material and technical resources of the Universities meet all the latest requirements and possess high-performance equipment (11 IT rooms, 5 language laboratories, 80 well-equipped class rooms, workshops, gymnasiums). It helps to organize effective educational process.

Over the last years 3 departments were opened (Biology Department, Pre-University Training and Vocational Orientation Department, Department of Advanced Training and Staff Retraining), Ideology Department, IT Center, Science and Research Institute of Regional Problems of Recreation Therapy and Folklife Culture, Russian Studies Center. The activity of the University is performed in accordance with the Development Plan for 2011 – 2015 approved by the University Council.

Today MSPU named after I.P.Shamyakin includes 4 academic buildings, 9 departments, 27 chairs. 6000 students are trained at the University.

Students and graduate students are trained with a specialization in a wide range of scientific fields that are in great demand in the region. The results of postgraduate work assignment have testified to requirements of establishments of education, enterprises and organizations for young highly experienced professionals.

                Academic staff of high scientific qualification is trained at post graduate courses in 6 major fields of study. High effectiveness of this activity is proved by successful defence of Candidate and Doctor of Sciences' dissertations. Over the last 5 years 5 Doctor of Sciences' dissertations and 20 Candidate of Sciences' dissertations were defended.

The main priority of the University is international cooperation. The best students and hopeful teachers undergo a training course at the leading Universities of Russia, China, Germany, and Kazakhstan.

Nowadays Establishment of Education "Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P.Shamyakin" is a recognized leader in the field of pedagogy. It's a significant educational scientific and cultural center in the Belarusian Polesye. 




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