
On October 20 – 21, 2016 State Seminar “Student hostel: daily routine, leisure, education” was held at the premises of Belarusian State University; chief organizers: Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, BSU students’ residence hall. Head of Management Departments, members of student hostel self-administration, Principals of student hostels were invited to participate in the seminar. Svetlana Matveeva, Head of Youth Department, and Alena Larkina, student, Physics and Engineering Department, represented MSPU named after I.P.Shamyakin.

Victor Yakzhik, Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Sergey Ablameyko, Rector of BSU, and Nalatia Pshemichnaya, Head of Youth Affairs Department, took part in the opening ceremony.


On October 20 – 21, 2016 State Seminar “Student hostel: daily routine, leisure, education” was held at the premises of Belarusian State University; chief organizers: Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, BSU students’ residence hall. Head of Management Departments, members of student hostel self-administration, Principals of student hostels were invited to participate in the seminar. Svetlana Matveeva, Head of Youth Department, and Alena Larkina, student, Physics and Engineering Department, represented MSPU named after I.P.Shamyakin.


Victor Yakzhik, Deputy Minister of Education of the Republic of Belarus, Sergey Ablameyko, Rector of BSU, and Nalatia Pshemichnaya, Head of Youth Affairs Department, took part in the opening ceremony.


In the course of the seminar there were several thematic grounds open; it helped the participants to cooperate and discuss the most effective preventive measures from crime, share the ideas of how to arrange educational work with foreign students, speak on information support of ideological work in the hostel.

Within the framework of State leadership school members of student hostel self-administration discussed the role of self-administration in hostel management, found out some topical issues and determined the concept of self-administration.

Day 2 was arranged in the following way: there was an excursion to Student village, BSU main building, university yard, History and Mineralogy BSU Museum.


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