On September 26 – 27, 2017 VI International Science Conference “Language – Text – Discourse: Dynamic processes” was held at the premises of Samara University. Participants from Russia, Belarus, Italy and Germany took part in the conference. Topical issues of Modern Russian, innovational processes in the field of text studies, styles and genres, international communication and General Theory of language, etc. were discussed during the conference.

Sergey Kurash, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent, Chief of the Belarusian and Russian Philology Chair, represented MSPU named after I.P.Shamyakin at the conference. Mr. Kurash reported on “Semiotic gradual features of metaphoric constructions in Russian poetic texts”; the report reflected the results of scientific research implementing within Temporary Science Collective “Neology” for 2016.

On September 26 – 27, 2017 VI International Science Conference “Language – Text – Discourse: Dynamic processes” was held at the premises of Samara University. Participants from Russia, Belarus, Italy and Germany took part in the conference. Topical issues of Modern Russian, innovational processes in the field of text studies, styles and genres, international communication and General Theory of language, etc. were discussed during the conference.

Sergey Kurash, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Docent, Chief of the Belarusian and Russian Philology Chair, represented MSPU named after I.P.Shamyakin at the conference. Mr. Kurash reported on “Semiotic gradual features of metaphoric constructions in Russian poetic texts”; the report reflected the results of scientific research implementing within Temporary Science Collective “Neology” for 2016.

Moreover, S.Kurash lectured on “Precedent phenomena functioning in the communicative environment of Modern Russian and Belarusian”, “Semiotic approach to poetic metaphor investigation”, “Metaphor: from the notion to the concept” for students and Master’s degree students.

In the course of the visit S. Kurash approved the results of the scientific research within the framework of Scientific Project “Economics and Humanitarian development of the Belarusian Society”. 


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