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- Опубликовано 14.10.2016 13:34
On October 13, 2016 research and methodology workshop “Psychological aspects of responsible parenthood” was held at the premises of Preliminary and Elementary Education under the support of Chair of Practical Psychology and Defectology.
On October 13, 2016 research and methodology workshop “Psychological aspects of responsible parenthood” was held at the premises of Preliminary and Elementary Education under the support of Chair of Practical Psychology and Defectology.
Liliya Ivanova, Chief of Psychology and Defectology, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Docent, opened the workshop and paid attention of everybody to multiple meaning of the notion “responsible parenthood” which also include such aspects as social, medical and psychological readiness to become parents. L.Kalach, docent, reported on psychological component of readiness to become parents. N.Ragimova, Chief of Mozyr Department of Registration and Civil Status, reported on peculiarities of legislative regulation of family relations. Ya. Klimchuck, representative of Mozyr Women’s Health Center, reported on the factors influencing on reproductive health of young people today. R. MInevich, teacher-psychologist, paid much attention to expectations and prejudices while choosing a partner for further mutual living. I. Stelchenko, head teacher, used special methodology component – Fairy therapy – to form responsible attitude for further parenthood.
At the end of the workshop the students wrote an essay on the topic “I understood what “responsible parenthood” means. It is…”