Within the framework of the "STEP" project, students of the 9th grade of secondary school No. 14 in Mozyr on the basis of which the branch of the Department of Technological Education operates visited the Faculty of Technology and Biology and discussed the topic "My homeland is Belarus in persons. Honoured names in Science and Education".

An open dialogue was held at the faculty with the head of the Department of Technological Education Sergey Yakovlevich Astreiko and the head of the Department of Technological Education Natalia Mikhailovna Shestak. Schoolchildren were interested not only to communicate with well-known scientists, but also to see educational laboratories, to get acquainted with the conditions in which the educational process of students studying in the specialties of technological and biological specialism takes place, to ask questions and get detailed and accessible answers to them. A master class in Fine Arts was organized for schoolchildren, which allowed them to try their hand at the creative process of choosing and using various painting techniques, and an open lesson of the Biochem scientific-research of study group, where interesting chemical experiments were shown.

The Dean of the Faculty Elena Vladimirovna Tikhonova not only spoke about the organization of educational and research activities at the Faculty, but also answered a number of questions related to the choice of a life path, self-determination and self-realization in the future, opportunities and prospects for professional growth in the pedagogical field, convincingly proving that in the teaching profession there is a place for both creativity and scientific research. Elena Vladimirovna acquainted the guests with the main areas of work of the departments, spoke about scientific ties with the leading universities of the Republic of Belarus and Russia, noted promising areas of scientific research of teachers and students.