Официальный сайт Мозырского государственного педагогического университета имени И.П.Шамякина



On April 4, 2024, students of the Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education of the 1/1 specialty "Preschool Education" (curator A.A. Kovalevskaya) held a festive flash mob dedicated to this date. The presentation of famous Olympic champions, graduates of Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P. Shamyakin, the physical culture minute "Cloud", incendiary dances ("Gypsy" and "Sirtaki"), the theatrical performance of the group's students, the "Pedometer" competition, the educational quiz "Thanks to our doctors!" acted as a motivational component to preserve the health and vigor of students.


Health is our priceless gift.

It is not unlimited.

It's like a ball

And everything in it is harmonious.

There's love and beauty in it

There is value and majesty.

Kindness strengthens everything.

And the symbol is our personality.

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