On 28 January the delegation of Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P. Shamyakin headed by the rector of the university V.N. Navnyko took part in the solemn event dedicated to the Day of Belarusian Science. The meeting was organised by the Gomel Regional Organisation of the Belarusian Professional Union of Workers of Education and Science and the Main Department of Education of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee.

R.I. Smirnov, Head of the Main Department of Education of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee, welcomed the invitees.

Chairman of the Gomel regional organisation of the Belarusian Professional Union of Workers of Education and Science Zh.A.Zhdanovich told about the development of social partnership in higher educational institutions of Gomel region and the Institute of Mechanics of Polymer Systems named after V.A.Belogo of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus.

A press conference “Ask a Scientist a Question” was organised as part of the meeting. The rectors of the universities sincerely answered the questions of the young scientists.

V.N. Navnyko, Rector of Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P. Shamyakin, was awarded the Certificate of Honour of the Main Department of Education of the Gomel Regional Executive Committee.

S.B.Kurash, Professor of the Chair of Belarusian and Russian Philology, was awarded the Diploma of the Gomel Regional Organisation of the Belarusian Professional Union of Workers of Education and Science.

Gratitude of the Gomel regional organisation of the Belarusian Professional Union of Workers of Education and Science was announced to the head of the research sector O.G.Slivets.

The certificate of the Gomel Regional Committee of the Trade Union was awarded to the post-graduate student of the Chair of Belarusian and Russian Philology M.I.Kravchuk.


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