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- Опубликовано 29.10.2024 11:10
On 29 October Belarus celebrates the Birthday of the Komsomol.
One of the important aspects of the Komsomol organisation at all times has been the education of patriotism and loyalty to the ideals of communism. Young people learn to be citizens, ready to serve our country and work for its benefit.
From the beginning of its existence, the Komsomol participated in the creation of a new socialist society. Youth brigades were engaged in the elimination of illiteracy, participated in the industrialisation of the country, published the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda”. Komsomol members showed themselves during the Great Patriotic War: they fought at the front and worked in the rear.
On the shelves of the thematic exhibition, which is shown in the reading room of the library (auditorium № 311) you can get acquainted with literature on the history of the Komsomol. The exhibition tells not only about the origins of Komsomol cells, but also about the struggle of Komsomol members against the German invaders during the war.
The celebration on 29 October is an occasion to pay tribute to the memory and respect to those who worked for the benefit of society as members of the Communist Youth Union.