Knowledge Day 2016
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- Опубликовано 31.08.2016 15:22
As is customary Administration office of MSPU named after I.P.Shamyakin complimented freshmen on Knowledge day 2016!
Kamilla Bobr, Stanislav Dayneko and Ilya Fedorenko, well-known athletes, were given an honorary right to run a state flag of the Republic of Belarus up.
As is customary Administration office of MSPU named after I.P.Shamyakin complimented freshmen on Knowledge day 2016!
Kamilla Bobr, Stanislav Dayneko and Ilya Fedorenko, well-known athletes, were given an honorary right to run a state flag of the Republic of Belarus up.
Valentin Valetov, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, honorary worker of Education of the Republic of Belarus, MSPU Rector, opened the ceremony and congratulated members of academic staff and students on the beginning of academic year 2016 – 2017 and wished everybody be active, enthusiastic and persistent!
Distinguished guests, representatives of Municipal Executive Committee, State Automobile Inspectorate and Orthodox Church participated in the ceremony and expressed their best wishes.
Dear students and teachers! Let us compliment you on Knowledge Day!