05-07-01July, 03 is known to be an important event in Belarusian history and life. It symbolizes human courage and heroism at struggle with the Nazi invasion.

According to the decision of State referendum made in 1996 July, 03 was proclaimed to be a red-letter day. Traditionally the Belarusian people pay homage to battle-front veterans, partisans and members of the underground.

Prior to the holiday MSPU Administration and University Labor Union Organization congratulated Vladimir Kochubey, Ekaterina Romanova and Vladimir Pugalov, great Patriotic war veterans, on this holiday.

Dear veterans,

We appreciate and commemorate each of you who immolated themselves for the good of the country!

MSPU administration 

05-07-02 05-07-03
05-07-04 05-02-05

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