Philology Department ran the special “We are together!”
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- Опубликовано 08.10.2015 09:09

Prior to the election of the President of the Republic of Belarus it’s high time to come together and feel the spirit of the nation. Thereupon, on October 1, 2015 Philology Department Administration ran the special "We are together!" in order to unite the students.
Prior to the election of the President of the Republic of Belarus it’s high time to come together and feel the spirit of the nation. Thereupon, on October 1, 2015 Philology Department Administration ran the special "We are together!" in order to unite the students.
Ludmila Ismailova, Dean of Philology Department, said that the name of the special spoke for itself. At the Philology Department “We are together” pursued challenging objectives. Tutors and students cooperated in alliance. Thus, it helped to carry out academic, research and creative projects. During the ceremony the best students were awarded by the Dean and MSPU trade-union committee’s certificates.
“We are together” means we are significant parts of the unified whole i.e. the university and the Republic.
We are together in honor of a friendly philological family!
We are together in honor of the prosperity of our University!
We are together in honor of powerful Belarus!