Japan delegation visits Mozyr University


Japan delegation visits Mozyr University

On November 23, 2012 Mozyr State Pedagogical University named after I.P. Shamyakin was visited by a delegation from Fukushima Prefecture (Japan) which consisted of the city leaders, scientists, educators, health professionals and students. The aim of the visit was to discuss issues related to the accident at the Fukushima-1, which occurred March 11, 2011.

The guests from Japan were welcomed by Chancellor, Doctor of Biology, Professor V.V. Valetov who said that Mozyr University students receive not only good education, but also profound knowledge in radiation safety.

Governor of Fukushima Prefecture Yuhey Sato as well addressed all those present. The Japanese visitors were interested in Belarusian experience of overcoming the consequences of the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant, as well as issues related to the possibility of further reduction of contaminated land.

The keen interest of the guests was brought by exhibition of creative works of teachers and students of Technology and Engineering Faculty and Engineering and Pedagogical Faculty, scientific and methodological literature "Land under White Wings", "Ecology - the science of survival", "Chernobyl: history, problems, lessons," " Environmental problems in works of MSPU teaching staff". The greatest attention of visitors was paid to exhibition "A healthy lifestyle", dedicated to the highest achievements in sport of University’s athletes. We were very pleased that members of the delegation were aware of our outstanding Olympic champions in Athens, Beijing and London.






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