The topic and content of the event was determined by the deputy heads of correctional institutions independently, the following objectives were taken into account:

- Formation of citizens' attitude towards law-abiding behavior during the period of serving the sentence and after release;

- Inoculation of the convicts with respect for the norms of generally accepted morality and behavior in the society;

- Development of critical assessment of the actions and the behavior of other members of society as well as understanding the feelings and actions of other people, etc.

The contestants competed in the oratory art contest where they proved that they had basic skills for cooperation with the audience, they conducted dialogues and discussions, they used various pedagogical and psychological techniques as well as skills for IT.

At the end of the competition, E.S. Astreiko paid much attention to the importance of such events because of she noticed the power of emotional impact of the contestants on the audience and the content of all performances. E.S. Astreiko singled out that the success of social adaptation of a person released from prison depends on the effectiveness of corrective and preventive affairs held at the premises of the establishment he kept in.

Thus, the process of re-socialization consists of a purposeful influence on the behavior and activity of a person in the execution of a criminal sentence by the society.


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