ACADEMY OF INNOVATIVE PEDAGOGICAL EXCELLENCE has successfully started as a part of an education project held at the premises of Mozyr Center for Children’s Creativity. This project is being implemented under the auspices of the Chair of Pedagogics and Psychology, MSPU named after I.P. Shamyakin.

Since the project started more than 10 workshops have been already conducted, more than 15 scientific articles have been published. In 2012 – 2014 innovative project “Implementation of a model for informative culture in the context of Belarusian mentality” was being conducted. In 2017 another innovative project “Introduction of value-based orientation models to volunteer projects which are implemented at the premises of educational establishments”.

The main idea of the mentioned above project was to enhance and systematize the knowledge of the teachers, motivate them to work more effectively and develop new approaches, forms and methods of training.

Helen Astreyko, PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor, lectured on the topical issues of innovative activity, prepared Q&A sheets for the participants and got acquainted everybody with the content of the project “Innovative skills enhancement by means of extra-tasks” and “Literary and technical execution of didactic data when deal with innovations”.

Close cooperation of Higher educational establishments and educational establishments for additional training can be treated as a fruitful one; inspiration, motivation to get new knowledge and enhance professional level have been the criteria for the project to become long-term and profitable.

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